The New Norm

Hmm… I don’t know what to say… except for “stay home and stay safe.” Save yourself and save others. Seems reasonable. What have I learned so far about #COVID19, #selfisolation, and #socialdistancing. People are amazing creatures. Look at this photo that I took of the Toronto Symphony. They are playing together… online… in isolation. AMAZING. I was impressed, but maybe I’m easily impressed. I love the “good feel” stories that shared on the news and I am grateful for the daily check-ins from my friends and kid. It’s taken me about a week to adjust to this “new lifestyle” and I am very grateful that I get to continue my work online with my students. I opted to teach asynchronous online and it seems to be working. I am also grateful that I am self-isolating because I have to be #physicaldistancing. I’m a hugger, friendly puncher, and high-fiver. I can’t help myself. Another thing I can’t help is touching my face!?! Alarming. I can’t be around others.
I cannot believe how this month transformed so dramatically. March 2020 stared with me presenting at UFV at the Mathematics Education Sq’ep, continuing on with my practicum observations of Year 2 Teacher Candidates, and being interviewed by 2 graduate students on CFUR. Approaching mid-March entailed meetings finalizing our work on the BEd and MEd Program Redesign Committees. That Friday… Friday the 13th BTW… the day ended with a committee meeting, a McGyver experience to the airport, lunch out with my buddy on campus, deep-fried pickles with a colleague, losing and finding my car keys, and returning back to my apartment. It was a cray-cray day. Before heading back to my place, I went food shopping. There was no toilet paper on the shelved, I hugged a colleague in the produce section, and I purchased my last dozen eggs (but did not know it). By Sunday, March 15th, I conceded and brought my office plant home. Spring break begins.
I was very happy to finish my formal observations of Teacher Candidates and bought toilet paper a few weeks ago. I’m OK. I immediately went online with my courses and hunkered down in my apartment, making some effort to go outside. In just a week, we moved from #washyourhands to #stayhome. I am happy to be at home. I am comforted to know that my kid is safe. I am still working (for now) and I have my health. Now, we are adapting. What was faee-to-face is now online. I had a program meeting online and another provincial meeting via BlueJeans, a special edition #bcedchat online with the co-moderators collaborating behind the scenes via Google Hangout, and taught one of my classes via Collaborate Ultra. I chat with my kid and friends on FaceTime, text, or phone. I am establishing a NEW NORM… getting organized, cancelling plans, and cooking at home.