Focus on What’s Good

Monday, April 4, 2022 – Here is my opportunity to turn things around and focus on what’s good. I need to remember the good things… ALWAYS. Strangely, I tend to dwell on one moment when there are so many good things happening around me. For this, I am always grateful. Here is a photo of the teacher candidates and former student of our program leading the learning on holistic teaching, learning, and assessment. We are learning outside and we are in the midst of starting a drumming circle. Inspiring.

What’s inspiring is that this recent alumni wanted to give back to the program. She is sharing her knowledge and expertise as an early teaching professional with these teacher candidates. I can speak of several other teacher candidates/recent graduates who give back to (and represent) the program. I am so grateful for these people and for these moments. I need to remember that when I create space for student voice, it may look and feel different from a lecture or directed instruction about curriculum.

It warms my heart that these teacher candidates can take risks, innovate, and express themselves in wholehearted ways. You can see the love and kindness that comes from this alumni’s work and presentation. I am inspired and awestruck by the leadership and willingness to give back to a program that helped them to become who they are. It’s moments like these that I need to hold onto. The hello in the hallway, distributing handouts, and the warm smile. All of these moments are cherished and celebrated.

When I am doing the tough work during my pandemic reflections, it’s not to get down on myself (although it may seem that way at the time), but to sense make with myself with reflection, contemplation, and action towards my next steps. I will push against the boundaries and I may not make many friends along the way. That’s ok. It happens like that in math… LOL. But in the end, it’s what the student had learned that matters. I can see that and in the end, that is at the heart of what I do. My why. My purpose.