Every Moment is a Teacher

Week 110 – April 22, 2022 – Happy Earth Day 2022

Everyday presents an opportunity for learning and every experience is a teacher. I wrote several blog entries this week and feel like I am turning a corner. I can let go. I can have my voice. I can feel good living up to my values and being true to myself. In doing so, I can learn from and with others. I can reflect and find joy. I can by myself.

Last night I had the opportunity to bead with a others at the local art gallery. As you can see from the photo, this is what I’ve accomplished in 2-hours. We are making beaded earrings. The second of two sessions is next week. I have homework. That’s ok. There is something so wonderful about beading that helps me with my writing.

What I also love about last night’s class was the opportunity to be with people again. I even recognized a few people I know and met a few more people in the meantime. Being with others filled my cup. I loved learning something new. I loved being in community. I cannot express how much I loved this (despite all that I have to do).

I was so humbled by the experience. What beads to choose, what size of circle to make, and what is involved in the technique were a few things I had to consider that night. It was freeing and paralyzing at the same time. I just loved gabbing with folks and learning from the instructor. The generosity, love, and joy were cup filling.

Today, I had an online experience that felt the same way. I just loved listening to others and inspired by what they each had to say. It reminds me of Circle Craft in Vancouver. I just love to listen to hear people’s passion and expertise. What I love to do is to make these opportunities for others (and myself). I am feeling very lucky.

I learned about what it means or talk like a researcher. There is a language or dialect that I am missing or working on. It was also clear to me what I am passionate about as well and it’s ok that it is different with others. It can also complement or intersect with others and I need to take a moment to be clear about my mission and purpose.

What I am learning about this pedagogical journey I am on is to stay humble, stay curious. I do like systems. I do like order. I also like justice and doing what’s right. I understand this and I need to stick to it. MY WHY does not have to be like others. I feel more grounded than ever to move forward with the work I need to get to now.

There is no better time the the present. Know that learning new things take longer than expected. Be patient and kind to self. Ask for help, if needed. It will happen.