Merry Christmas 2021

Week 93 – December 25, 2021 – Locked Out
It’s official. I’m locked out of my website and I auto renewed my web domain for 3-years. ? Security and passwords. This reminds me of Skype. I have a handful of accounts because I can NEVER find my way back in. I might find my back up codes one day (or not). In the meantime, I will continue to blog from my phone with limited WordPress capabilities.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Can you believe it? It’s Week 93 of the pandemic and the Omicron variant is on the rise. Classic Christmas. Who needs more reasons to stay at home? Not me. It seems that life is forcing me into a place of solitude and isolation. That’s ok. There is something to learn, I’m sure. I would like to note, it’s my first Christmas in Prince George. The best part is, I get to spend it with my kid. No turkey this year. My kid is pescatarian. It will be shrimp and fish tacos, but woke up this morning realizing I forgot the limes. Dang.
Finding new traditions while not going out. I ran around yesterday and bout sushi, Chinese food, and groceries (sans the limes ?) so that we could just stay home Christmas Day. It’s minus 24 degrees Celsius this morning. It’s going to be a very cold Christmas. Lots of snow but hope we can have a good day celebrating what we have and enjoy our company.
My kid had yesterday and today off work and as much as I need to do work (and have lots), my brain, body, and soul just says NO THANK YOU and opts to do nothing. Frustrating but I’m learning to allow so that I can be productive. I have a few manuscripts on the go and need to get to them because writing takes a long time. I am learning this (and loving it).
So, for productive brain time, I’m beading. I first started beading with my friend. Terrible at it and I needed a lot of assistance, but I was drawn to the process, patterning, and patience. There were several competencies I needed to learn and enjoyed. I was introduced again to beading as part of a math collective. I’m enjoying it and love it even more. Both instances are connected Indigenous ways of being. I’m not using Indigenous knowledge but I was taught by Indigenous people.
Beading gives me my time back. It forces me to be present (and when I’m not, I would either stab myself with the needle or make a mistake). It helps me to appreciate the little things like the “click” when the beads fit. It also teaches me about UNDOING and the process of unravelling work to fix a mistake and move forward from that mistake (i.e., reminiscent of the writing process ☺️).
The picture above is something I made during Christmas Eve. Yes, I should/could be writing, but I find that when I bead, I’m able to get to my writing in a wholehearted way. I loved listening to my Christmas playlist and beading. My heart was full and I would go out for a walk too but… IT’S TOO COLD OUTSIDE. ?
Merry Christmas everyone. Stay safe. Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Socially distance.