
#EDUC454E100 – Week 4 – May 31, 2018

Thank you Dr. Gillian Judson from SFU IERG #imaginED for visiting our EDUC454 class last Thursday night to discuss a #walkingcurriculum. We were learning outside with purpose. #GetOutside. This was the first time that our EDUC454 class got outside. For the first few weeks, we interpreted “outside” as outside of the classroom and roamed the Surrey Central Mall as place. I was so happy that Gillian took a moment to sell her book “A Walking Curriculum: Evoking Wonder and Developing a Sense of Space K-12” at the beginning of our class and took us on a thoughtful walking field trip to Holland Park. Security locked the classroom. We went down 4 floors. Walked through the parking lot. We went down the parkade stairs, around the Brick, and crossed the street to the park.

As you can see, it was a gorgeous day. I love the idea of being productive while walking to our destination. On our walk to Holland Park, Gillian asked us to think about a place that we cherish and love such that we would be devastated if a Walmart parking lot was built upon it. Our work was to think about this place and DESCRIBE it to someone else en route to Holland Park. Once we arrived, we formed a circle (so that we can see and hear one another). In this circle, Gillian talked about her doctoral research that brought her to this place of ecological imaginative education and her current work with the Walking Curriculum and Imaginative Education. At the end of her introduction, we had the opportunity to NAME our place. My place was my hometown of Prince Rupert, BC.

Gillian’s presentation was a beautiful introduction to her book (our future course reading). She spoke about three components that make learning meaningful for students. First point was FEELINGS. Students have to feel and make a connection to what they are learning with feelings. The second point was ACTIVENESS. Students need to be moving and have a sense of self in a state of being. This was a big idea for me. I took this point as being physically engaged with their learning. The last point was PLACE. Students need to have a sense of place and “getting outside” is one way of doing so. I loved being outside, but what I did notice was the NOISE. Yikes. Coming from the Sunshine Coast and teaching outside at Surrey Central was a clear demonstration of the importance of place. The metro area revealed some challenges. Although I was very appreciative be in green space, there was active road construction happening next to Holland Park. It was loud.

Nonetheless, we proceeded and had the opportunity to break up into pairs and look at one of 60 Sample walks as seen in her book, A Walking Curriculum. The task was to randomly choose a walk, do the walk, and talk what was learned and experienced to a learning opportunity in our classrooms. Students had to record this curricular opportunity on an index card and hand them off to Gillian after 20 minutes of roaming through Holland Park. I am confident that students had a lot of conversations as to what they were experiencing and what is possible for the K-12 classroom. At the end of Gillian’s session, we met at the waterfall and students had the opportunity to ask Gillian questions. I appreciated what my student-teachers asked and I am curious how many of us will #getoutside with our classes in the new school year. I’m hoping we will in EDUC454.


How can going outside (with your class) fit into your teaching practice?

I love going outside, particularly with EDUC454. It makes sense to me. Our course is Quantitative Approaches to Environmental Education. We need to get outside. Admittedly, it’s been challenging this term being at Surrey Campus as a night course. That said, here we are. We’re OUTSIDE. I love how it feels and I love how Gillian said… THIS IS ON TIME. Absolutely. If I was back in the K-12 classroom, I would like to be outside as often as I could. How would I do that as a secondary math teacher… well, I would have to take the time to figure that out. For science it seems a bit “easier” but I like going outside with a purposeful learning intention. Last year, my EDUC454 class went outside 12 out of 13 weeks. The one week that we stayed inside was memorable because I had huge regret after that class by not going outside. As a consequence, it was a positive reminder that going outside is important to student learning but also student wellness. I just love it.

Where is your place? (i.e. topic of discussion with Gillian Judson)

The place I was describing to a student en route to Holland Park was of the Prince Rupert waterfront. As a youth and young adult, I loved walking to the Rupert waterfront to listen to the waves, look at the view, and enjoy the quietness of my surroundings. It was a place I would go to find solace. What was weird, when I was describing MY PLACE, I felt like I could have been describing the Davis Bay waterfront or Sechelt waterfront from where I live on the Sunshine Coast near Sechelt. I love living near the ocean. I’m one of those people. I love being near the water (even though I don’t know how to swim).

How do you (or would you) use feelings, activeness, and place in your teaching and learning to educate for ecological understanding?

I would love to make a connection between learning mathematics and being outdoors. It’s like journalling or reading outdoors, but doing math. What would make learning math enjoyable, activated, and meaningful? I was remembering when my high school math students used to ask me to go outside to learn math. I would always say NO. I just made the assumption that it would be OFF TIME when really it was an opportunity for me to make going outside during math class ON TIME. Why not experience some joy in the sun and in the forest (or on the field) doing math. It’s more than just finding math in nature, but having nature (and walking) as part of the math learning process. It’s definitely got my creative juices going. It can be very exciting for me and my K-12 math students.

We conclude our EDUC454 with student led learning activities. The first student presenter was very enthusiastic about Gapminder and Dollar Street. I loved this activity. The room was divided up into A, B, C, and D (multiple choice options). Students are asked to get up and move to answer the question. The content of each question related to social studies. Students are asked why they had chosen their answers (aka. prior knowledge). The class was then asked to watch data change over time, which was correlated to place and related to the question (i.e. birth rate, death rates, education of women, etc.). After watching data change over 100 years, for example, students are asked if they would change their mind on how they first answered and move accordingly. Great discussion and answers revealed. I loved the meta data collection by Stephen who was collecting data on how students answered the questions correctly initially and how it changed given the data trends. All I can say is, what felt like a 20 minute facilitation was actually 60 minutes. Yup, it was an exemplar of student and teacher engagement.

The class ends with ONE of three reading reflections. Thank you for leading us through our first oral summary of Trevor MacKenzie’s book on Dive Into Inquiry. I loved the Prezi presentation and how you’ve embedded the class discussion questions into your presentation. It was greatly appreciated. I love how students are taking the lead in this course. Something that would have normally took 6 weeks, took only three… and now we’re behind schedule. No worries. I made those decisions and postponed three student presentations for next week. What I appreciate is the level of engagement students have in this course, but also our next challenge for next week, which is TIME. That said, we will be GOING OUTSIDE for our first group facilitation in Week 5. It’s only getting better. Thank you EDUC454E100 Summer 2018. Let’s keep this learning momentum going!!!

Place-Based Education

#EDUC454E100 – Week 3 – May 24, 2018

What an incredible class and it’s only Week 3. We were so lucky to have guest speaker Dave Barnum (@DavidBarnum) from SFU Graduate Diploma Programs talked about Place-Based Education. He brought samples of journals and definitions of what place-based, community education is and could look like. Students had the opportunity to grapple with these definitions and discuss what it means to them in their future (and current) practice as teachers. There was thoughtful discussion and ideas shared. What struck me was the conversation about the barriers of place-based education and how it can be perceived as utopian considering the workplace conditions of secondary teaching (i.e. permission forms, liability, and administrative approval). These are all real constraints but I believe they can overcome them if they really want to. The new curriculum is a policy document that encourages and enables teaching strategies such as place-based learning.

Understanding by Design… or work backwards with your planning. To orchestrate place-based learning with our current 20th century structures and 21st century curriculum, work with the end in mind. If going to the aquarium, going camping, or walking outside can bridge the gap, enlighten, or inspire student learning, then design your unit, lesson, or class routine to include that and find ways to make it happen. If it’s worthwhile, do it. As a friend and colleague of mine would say, there are a million reasons why not to and only one reason why to. Let’s focus on that one reason. In listening to and talking to Dave Barnum, I realized that place-based learning can reveal interdisciplinary learning, provoke imagination further by bringing students to place rather than just talking about it, and that place-based education can be anything that situates the learner for deeper learning.

We needed to hear about place-based education as a class for this class (EDUC454), but also for our future practice as teachers. Sometimes it’s difficult or less meaningful to only learn from a textbook. A textbook, for example, has limitations. Going out into the environment, finding a sense of place, or going to a place that would enhance the student learning experience are integral to deeper learning in addition to all of the opportunities to engage in and practice the core competencies in real-life situations. I appreciated the activity Dave facilitated with the students. He asked them to IMAGINE… if they were asked to choose a curricular area and grade level from BC’s New Curriculum and from this lens if they were given 2-days with their class in this place (SFU Surrey – Surrey Central), what resources could they find, how can this space and place teach students, and how does place address the Learning Standards. Students went out individually or in small groups to take notes, JOURNAL, and imagine what would be possible. I was amazed by what the students shared with the class. Place-based education has a place in education.

THANK YOU again Dave Barnum for visiting my class of EDUC454 and thank you for spending extra time after your presentation during the dinner break to talk to students individually and for them to look at the journals as exemplars of ways to demonstrate and record student learning. I believe that my students were inspired and took away many ideas about place-based education for their teaching practice and future lesson planning.

Back to class business… and onto discussing their Inquiry Project and participating in student-led warm up activities. I love it when student-teachers are engage in teaching and learning in my classes at SFU. It’s an opportunity for them to create and facilitate a short activity with the class that connects Quantitative Approaches to Environmental Education to student learning. Furthermore, we also want to use these activities to acknowledge the Core Competencies, develop “I can…” statements, and self-evaluate with a single-point rubric scale (meeting/not meeting OR approaching/exceeding). Developing our Core Competencies as we learn how to teach students about the Core Competencies is my main objective with the student-led warm up activities. I love the level of student engagement but I also love how we are learning by doing (aka. experiential learning). This “mingle, mingle, mingle” student-led warm up activity nicely framed the 3 core competencies with 3 distinct activities, as seen in these photos. Students were engaged.

As we move forward with our student-led warm-up activities, students are becoming more comfortable as us as a LEARNING COMMUNITY, but also it’s a time to play, experiment, and have fun. We are getting better at identifying our “I can… ” statements as a way to reflect on the activity and Core Competencies. I appreciated how the second warm-up activity (no pictures because half the class “died” and the rest of us confused) used NON-VERBAL CUES as a means of communication of who you are and identified the class and person as place-based learning. The “murder game” required strategy (i.e. critical and creative thinking) and there was an underpinning of social responsibility for the “police” to find the “murderers.” It’s fun (for me) and I hope the students to identify the Core Competencies in everything that they do as educators and that students can self-identify and self-assess their core competencies in light of their learning. With student engagement and the constraints of time, we had to postpone our oral presentation of the reading summary for next week.

Weekly Journal Questions

What is place-based education? „

Using place as part of the learning experience. The classroom is a place and has it’s place, but also learning can be enhanced if we consider other places to help students realize possibilities, complexities, and realities of what they are learning and find deeper meaning. I am struck by this notion and wonder if taking photos of my class and including them in my blog entries is a form of evidence of student learning. I feel that it enhances my blog and what I am trying to describe, but also it helps me realize that learning happens in place. I love the idea that place-based learning can intuitively demonstrate interdisciplinary learning and help students make connections to the real world.

How could place-based education influence your pedagogy?

Each term I teach at SFU, I am struck by the reality of place-based education and even more so this term with EDUC454 being situated as an evening course at Surrey Campus. Where we teach (i.e. facilities and location) influences how I teach. Last term, I had a small room with almost 40 students with only 2-blackboards at the front of the class behind the screen of the overhead projector. That was a challenge. We had to use poster paper or use technology more to collaborate ideas. My first year teaching at SFU we were in portables. It was another evening class but we had lots of room to work with and lots of whitewash boards to place with an collaborate. Last year, I taught EDUC454 in the morning at Burnaby Campus. We were learning outside every week. This year, we have not been “outside” yet, but we have a huge classroom, whitewash boards to use, and our newly defined OUTSIDE that is the mall. I have to plan my course around place.

What are some strategies you can take to overcome some of the barriers to implementing place-based education into your classroom?

Work with what you’ve got. Make the most of what you have. And, plan carefully if you’d like to take your class off-site to engage in a place-based learning experience. Yes, the class has voted on having a field trip and class party on Week 13, our last day of classes. This decision alone has reconstructed our course outline to have an endurance test of IGNITE on Week 12 (maybe this could be an outing too) and now I am faced with the challenge of finding a field trip experience connected to Quantitive Approaches to Environmental Education that can be facilitated on a Thursday night (possibly in Surrey). It can be done, but it does take time, patience, and creativity to make things happen.

What would you like your EDUC454 inquiry project to be about?

I mentioned to my class that I would be reading the 100 Mile Diet book that I got from the Sechelt Library for $2.00. A super awesome deal… but also serendipitous. I am also considering the @BCSCTA tweet and video I posted on sustainability to reduce the carbon foot print with what we eat (i.e. eat less meat). I might combine the two ideas together. Buy locally (i.e. farmers market) and eat less meat. I want to do a before and after comparison and look at money spent, convenience, and how I feel from eating locally. I also have my husband and daughter that I am recruiting into this little experiment. I will need to plan wisely, but also take into account that my family may not be fully compliant.

Bringing Nature To Us

#EDUC454E100 – Week 2 – May 17, 2018

We are jumping into EDUC454 with our first student-led warm-up activity. Two students brought nature to us. I much enjoyed this activity. They had prepared about 8 bags filled with natural materials. The class sub-divided themselves into groups of 2-3 and grabbed a bag. The goal was to make patterns with the materials inside the bag. Each bag had different materials. We repeated the activity 3 times and with each round, the class adapted to what was expected, took less time, and got more creative. I loved that the room smelled like the outdoors. I also appreciated our student facilitators for preparing a lesson plan to share, facilitating the activity so nimbly, and being early adopters. It’s not easy going first and they did GREAT. They set the stage for the rest of the class. Furthermore, we modelled formative feedback on the fly. We were working on creating “I can…” statements based on our learning experience from the student-led warm-up activity and self-assessing ourselves with a one-point scale rubric. We made our first steps.

The class continued with a teacher-led activity where we used iPhones to take photos of the environment around us. The learning objective was take picture of MATH. Where do you see math in your environment? Students did an excellent job taking photos of architecture, lottery and locker combinations, and people roaming around Surrey Central. What interested me was only one group of 7 went outside of the building to take photos. Another indicator that we are in a different place from Burnaby Campus where we are defining our environment, knowingly or unknowingly, as the classroom, the building, and maybe outside. We also had a very engaging and thought provoking dialogue on use of technology in the classroom. Points of view ranged from not having them to using them but let’s be aware of the self-regulation required for responsible and purposeful usage in addition to quality of teaching and student engagement. Thank you for participating.

We ended the class with our first reading summaries. The 1-2 page written summary was submitted a few days before and posted on Canvas for classmates to read. The oral summaries happen during class time and questions are created by these students and posed to our class for discussion. I loved the summaries. One student was unable to come to class due to illness. She was sooooooo responsible, that she video recorded her oral summary and emailed that to me along with her discussion questions. It was so well done and very timely with the use of technology in the classroom discussion. Students were engaged with her video clip, which was followed by our second presenter who endured some technology issues with his PowerPoint (which I managed to figure out… kind of). Nonetheless, another thoughtful oral presentation of the reading. The written summary reports out what was read and the oral summary, students can put their own spin on what was read and ask thought provoking questions. A great discussion and wonderful moment of reporting out; a nice representation of the diversity of our class.

It strange to think that I am “over planning” for my EDUC454 class but you never know how things will unfold and I like to guide my instruction based on student input and participation. We were so engaged in class discussion and our warm-up activity, for example, it’s easy for me to adapt my lesson to go with with the flow of the class without losing focus on what we are trying to achieve. That said, I missed asking the class… “What do you expect to learn from this course?” Well, I did ask that question as part of the WEEK 1 Journal, but didn’t ask for me to learn. I guess I will keep that a surprise (to me and the rest of the class) until the end of the course when student submit their weekly journal and one-page summary. Mentioning that I go with the flow, my questions about their perceived math efficacy. As seen in our last week’s journal, many of us clustered to one end of the continuum indicating that math may not be their thing.

Weekly Journal Response – Week 2

What is your perceived level of math efficacy?

I think I’m OK at math. I would put myself with the few on the continuum who were also science people. I majored in Chemistry and minored in Mathematics. I got an A/B in high school math, failed Math 100 (which totally offset my undergraduate career), and managed to get the grades I needed in my minor and required courses to get into the Faculty of Education at UBC to teach math. I like math. I enjoyed data analysis during my dissertation… a nice application of math… but I also loved teaching high school math.

What is your math story?

It started when I dropped high school calculus in my Grade 12 year. That was a BIG mistake. I come from a small town… Prince Rupert, BC… (and just celebrated my 30th reunion). Going down to UBC to do first year science was OVERWHELMING to say the least. I even remembered not being able to find the math building for my first math class. I walked across the entire campus to realize that the building was right outside my dorms. Sad. Anyway, I had a professor who made us purchase his unpublished book and about 2/3 of the class dropped out or transferred. I endured and yes… failed. It was a bit of a stab to the ego… but I did take Math 100 again as a night course and got an A.

How does math fit into your pedagogy?

Math completely fits into my pedagogy as a high school math, science, and chemistry teacher… but also as a sessional instructor at SFU teaching EDUC471 (Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice) and EDUC454 (Quantitative Approaches to Environmental Education). Teaching math has taught me so much about how students learn. Feedback is immediate. Results are visible. And, teaching math created the foundation for my career in education and educational research. Math is FUN.

I conclude my weekly journal with some excitement and joy. I can’t wait for tomorrow and next week. I have two guest speakers coming to talk about place-based learning and the walking curriculum. Dave Barnum from SFU’s Graduate Diploma Program and Dr. Gillian Judson from Imagination Education are coming… I can’t wait. It’s going to make our learning experience in EDUC454 more rich and diverse. Welcome to our class!!!

Chaos at Best

#EDUC454E100 – Week 1 – May 10, 2018

Welcome everyone to EDUC454 on Surrey Campus. The title of the blog is bit of an over exaggeration. The class went well. I was somewhat disoriented teaching EDUC454 at Surrey versus Burnaby Campus. The experience is redefining my sense of space. My students had to witness this shift in mindset and transitioning into a new space and place to facilitate this course. That said, the room is bright and sunny. We’re on the 5th floor and there is lots of space. Love my students and we’ve just recruited a few more since our first class. I spent a good portion of the class describing to the class “how it was” on Burnaby Campus and “how it will be” this summer session. After the class ended, I felt revitalized, excited, and optimistic thinking about what is possible for EDUC454.

I like spending the first class going over the detailed syllabus and reviewing class expectations and routines. As much as I learned from teaching last year’s class and incorporated some of their feedback from course student evaluations into this year’s class, I was awakened by what this class has to offer. We started the class getting used to our space and getting to know each other better so that I can cater the course to meet their learning needs. What I did learn is, this Q-course is taken by non-math majors. About half the class class are English subject specialists, a third have Social Studies, a few with science, one with French, one PE, and one in elementary education. This picture reveals our continuum activity and their perceived level of math efficacy. I love their honesty. I also love how these pre-service teachers are willing to share and give formative feedback.

I am already learning about them as we composed a closed-ended survey questionnaire about ourselves as well as feedback on my detailed syllabus. And, writing this blog reflection reminds me that I will have to compose that survey questionnaire on Survey Monkey to model one quantitative approach to environmental education and for us to gather data to analyze. I like to do what I ask my students to do. First, my students are asked to write a weekly journal entry. They are posed questions and asked to free-write weekly for 10-weeks and reflect on their learning but also respond to question prompts provided. I too will be journalling weekly as well, but our class is tomorrow, so here is my week’s reflection. See my responses below. Second, students will engage in an inquiry project. I too will engage in an course related inquiry and I just picked my topic.

Who are you and why are you here?

I have recently graduated from SFU doctoral program in Educational Leadership. I have taught at SFU as a sessional instructor for the last two years. I have taught EDUC454 and EDUC471. I am building my experience and expertise as an educator in higher education and learning how to continue to post-doctoral experiences and research as a sessional. I am continuing to write and hope to publish in the meantime. I am super stoked about teaching EDUC454 for a second time. This is my first time teaching at Surrey Campus.

Why are you taking EDUC454?

As a sessional instructor, you apply for courses that you’d like to teach and then you are assigned with what’s available. It is my deepest pleasure to teach EDUC454. I have a background in secondary math education and I use that expertise and my doctoral research experience to facilitate learning in EDUC454. I also like to play and experiment with BC’s New Curriculum and incorporate findings from my dissertation that emphasizes the importance of experiential education, self-assessment, and deliberate practice.

Why are you in the teacher education program?

I am honoured to teach a course with students in the SFU PDP or PLP program. This year, I am also teaching someone from UFV. This is kind of fun. I am really enjoying teaching pre-service teachers. I taught in BC public schools for 16 years and worked independently as an educational consultant for 8 years. During that time, I was also a school trustee and doctoral student. It’s been an amazing career so far in education and I look forward to what’s next. The joy of learning and relationships make the field of education rewarding.

What do you hope to learn in this course?

What I hope to learn in this course is to be nimble and navigate through change with ease and an open mind. I am very excited to teach EDUC454 this term and look forward to co-creating and making this course our own. I am also curious about my inquiry project (to be announced soon) and I always wonder about leadership (and policy) and its effect on student learning and achievement. I also want to immerse myself in ongoing formative feedback and create a dialogical, fun-loving EDUC454 learning community this term.

Imagining My Class

What a nice way to celebrate #TeacherAppreciationDay… planning for my EDUC454 (Quantitative Approaches to Environmental Education) class that starts this Thursday at SFU. As mentioned in a previous blog, planning for EDUC454 this year will be so different from planning for this course last year. First of all, last year I had never taught EDUC454 before so that year was about learning how to teach EDUC454, a Q-course or “quantitative” course, that included some math. This year, I have the pleasure and privilege of teaching this course again. I have some prior knowledge and experience, but also feedback from the Student Evaluations that could make this course better. I wonder if my students this year will notice. Second, I taught this course in the morning at Burnaby campus last year. This year, I am teaching it as a night course at Surrey campus. I am amazed how the facility, location, and time of day can change the whole scope of the course. Finally, I am soooooo happy to be a connected educator. I am blessed to have two members of my PLN, who work at SFU, to come guest speak at my class about place-based learning and environmental education. I will discuss that further in future blogs.

I have already submitted my course description a few months ago to be posted on the SFU website. Last week, I had completed the Detailed Syllabus and framework for the 13-weeks of this course to put onto CANVAS for my students to preview but also plan for my guest speakers and possible final field trip. Now, I am planning for my first class. This process of planning and prepping for a university undergraduate course is so much different from teaching in K-12. In higher education, I am creating the course based on a brief description found in the university calendar. In K-12, the curriculum is prescribed so your job is to find ways to teach/learn the competencies and content. I am doing that too in higher education, even more so when this course is intended for pre-service teachers.

What I find challenging but also invigorating about teaching undergraduate courses is, you have no idea who is in your classroom. I guess I have their names but I don’t know anything more about them. Last year, to my surprise, I had a class filled with secondary teachers who were non-mathematics specialists. They were so in my wheelhouse and knowing that from them on the first day dictated how the course went. That class still has a great influence on my planning and prepping as I took many of their recommendations to heart and made some revisions to the course. Their learning experiences taught me what was possible, what needed improvement, and create possible ways to make the course better. What I do find fascinating about teaching at the university is, I have 13-weeks to learn about who these students, build relationships, figure out what they need and would like to learn, design and facilitate the course accordingly, and then evaluate them. At this point in time, I can only imagine my class and wonder who they are.

I am looking forward to teaching at Surrey campus. This will be a new experience for me. My doctorate program was held at Surrey campus, so I am familiar with the university hovering over a mall. I quite like that idea. This is the first time I will be teaching on campus. I need to get a pass and familiarize myself with the facility, location, and time of day to make the most of this course so that my students feel inspired to embed quantitative approaches to environmental education into their teaching practice. Stay tuned to weekly blogs about my EDUC454 E100 class. I like to blog in real time as my students do to model what it means to be a reflective practitioner. Reflection is part of the learning process. I hope that you join us online this summer. It’s going to be FUN.

Rebranding and Re-envisioning

Here I am… walking side-by-side with my dad. I love this image. It makes me hopeful. We are walking forward together. It can’t get any better than this. 2018 has been a year of change… and anticipating more. Every moment is a learning experience. I am getting a lot of clarity, that leads to my alignment and my 2018 One-Word: CREATE. Last week, I engaged in a couple of learning experiences that fuelled my fire for education. First, I went to a parent meeting with Yong Zhao in School District No. 38 (Richmond) and second, I went to the BC Teacher Education Roundtable at Simon Fraser University (SFU).

Professional learning is both formal and informal. I appreciated how Yong Zhao catered his message about the paradigm shift in education and 21st century learning to parents. At the #SFUroundtable18, we discussed the DUTY TO ACCOMMODATE in the context of student teachers. My eyes were wide open to this topic and how we need to be inclusive to all students. Whereas, my informal learning included meeting new people, reconnecting to those in my PLN, and RE-meeting people. From these interactions, I was reminded of my why… TO ENHANCE THE LEARNING EXPERIENCES OF STUDENTS. There are many ways to fulfill my purpose. What feels right at one moment might change in another.

I’ve been thinking about this slide (see below) of Dr. Reiss’s 16 basic human motivators from Yong Zhao’s presentation. What motivator resonated with me the most was CURIOSITY. My object of desire is knowledge. This makes sense. I always thought that I wanted to influence, but I am not motivated by power. I have tried several times to be the #1 position… but failed. It’s not my role and I’m not sad about it. Now, I understand why. My role is to contribute knowledge. I am driven to learn something new. I felt that way at the #SFUroundtable18. I was having serendipitous conversations. I was meeting the right people at the right time. I loved listening to their stories and asking them questions.

What I am most proud about is asking for and receiving formative feedback from experts in the field. I will provide not context here, but accepting formative feedback from others and doing something about it is humbling, enlightening, and integral to my learning. Right now, I am in the midst of rebranding and re-envisioning. I am an educator at heart and I can’t wait to teach EDUC454: Quantitative Approaches to Environmental Education this summer at SFU. I am stoked about teaching this course again. Last year, I taught EDUC454 at Burnaby campus as a morning course. This year, I am at the Surrey campus as an evening course. I love the challenge and creativity required to make this course meaningful, purposeful, and fun. Look forward to weekly blogs starting this week.

I’m excited about what’s next. I create what I see. I look forward to continuing my post-doctoral experience as an affiliated scholar at the Centre for the Study of Educational Leadership and Policy. I am in the middle of publishing a couple of papers with my research partner (and former senior supervisor) Dan Laitsch, and I am in the middle of writing a book about my mom. I love that I stay connected with BC educators as one of the #bcedchat co-moderators on Twitter and I would love to pursue teaching and research at the university, but also pursue teaching and learning at the K-12 level if the opportunity arises. In the end, it’s all about student learning and finding ways to make their learning experiences better so they can thrive. I want to be part of that story.

No Regrets

The day after… the BCSTA AGM… and I am feeling great. I have no regrets running for president and I am so proud of SD46 for passing 3 motions on student voice. What should I be disappointed about? Nothing.

Putting my name forward as BCSTA president was one of the best things I have done for myself. First, it was unfinished work from last year. Second, I wanted to be what I wanted to see. Third, I had something to learn.

The assembly had spoken. A clear majority voted for the incumbent and I can understand that. It keeps continuity, he’s done the job as expected, and the directors to be elected were subject to change. I am led by the assembly. That said, I was not willing to put my name forward for VP or director as part of a strategy. The assembly made a decision about leadership and I wanted them to make a decision. I knew the outcome of the election well before the vote when trustees asked me to put my name forward as VP throughout the AGM. Thank you for your confidence of having my voice on the board.

To follow through with my campaign was a test of my character but also a test for others. I appreciated the authentic connections I had with trustees throughout the weekend who supported my campaign, gave me tips and suggestions for my campaign, and connected with me as a person. I loved that. Running for election is not personal. It was interesting to observe others who were not willing to chat with me or give eye contact. I got plenty of courtesy hello’s or smiles. I was awakened. But, I did appreciate the post-election compliments for my campaign and speech. This is politics. The best part of the campaign experience was the unconditional respect and support I got from others. It was the best I could do and I could not have performed as well without their formative feedback.

I don’t feel that I have failed. I feel like I have won. I am satisfied. I am confident that this board of directors will lead the BCSTA as best as they can, that is guided by the membership. The leadership team of the P/VP remained the same and 3 new directors joined the board. This will be the fresh voice the board of directors need and will benefit from. For me, running for president was about modelling what I want to see for BCSTA. Put your name forward, have your voice, and let the assembly choose. I wanted to offer choice for leadership, but also challenge the assembly to make a decision and feel good about it. My work is done and I am filled with gratitude. Now, I am set onto a different direction. I am finding my place and the outcome of the BCSTA election was a gift.

I am driven by three principles:

  1. You never know unless you try. (take a risk, don’t assume)
  2. You can’t tell a drunk they are a drunk. (self-actualization)
  3. You don’t know what you don’t know. (be open to learning)

I know that Principle 2 needs revision. It’s not the best saying, but it’s meaning resonates with me. I have satisfied all three principles, hence my satisfaction. Thank you members of the BCSTA. Continue to do the great work that you do. An extra special thank you to those who are choosing to not to run in the upcoming municipal election as school trustee. And best of luck to those who are planning to run. Make this role attractive to others. Boards of Education do make a difference to BC public education and student learning. Don’t forget that. You are change agents. You are Educational Leaders!!!

Having My Back

Yes… I am having one of those days. I LOVE PEOPLE. Do you ever get those kind of days? I do. The feeling overwhelms me. Sometimes it fills me up with joy, while other times I am filled of gratitude. This time, it was the latter. I feel so fortunate that I have people in my life who I can lean on but also help me rise.

There is not one incident or person that made me feel the way I do. As much as I would love to point my finger at one cause or event, there were a few things on the go that needed addressing. And, that’s ok. I started to believe that things were not working out, like it’s a sign from the universe and I couldn’t quite figure out the message… so it relents.

I almost felt like that hamster running in a wheel. Run faster or run slower… It didn’t matter. I felt like I was running in a circle and going nowhere. Although I may be exaggerating at bit, I started to think… “Really? Is this a test?” Life is based on what you focus on. I had to make decisions, take a stand, and commit. For a long while, I was focused the “wrong” things. Ok… they weren’t “wrong”… hence the quotation marks… but I was entranced by what was happening and avoiding particular outcomes versus thinking about what I could do. As a result, I could not see an end to my perceived misery.

Again, as vague as my blog is (on purpose)… what was happening overall was mind boggling. I had a choice… wallow in the struggle or reach out for help. With one conversation, one text message, and one email… I started to see my situation from a different point of view. All of a sudden, I was looking at something that was completely transformed into an opportunity for empowerment, choices, and possibilities. I am so grateful to those in my tribe who are there for me unconditionally to lend me a hand, listen, and enlighten me with their wisdom, kindness, and love. It feels good to know that someone has my back. The least I can do is have your back too. Thank you!!!

Younghusband for BCSTA President

Christine Younghusband
School District No.46 (Sunshine Coast)

I am proud to be running for the position of President of the BCSTA Board of Directors. I have 24 years of experience in BC education as an educator, researcher, curriculum developer, sessional instructor, and school trustee. I am deeply invested in BC public education and passionate about teaching and learning. I believe that boards of education are integral to the success of students in BC. We can influence the learning experiences of students while we advocate for quality public education in our communities and province. We are, collectively, educational leaders. Our role as boards of education is to effectively connect community values and identity to the operations of our schools to help students learn and thrive.

“Our task is to educate their (our students) whole being so they can face the future. We may not see the future, but they will and our job is to help them make something of it.” – Sir Ken Robinson

Returning back to the BCSTA Board of Directors as President would be an honour and privilege. I am able to effectively connect with others, listen to the concerns of others, and critically look at and question BC public education through multiple lenses. These are essential competencies as we move forward together as a provincial organization in terms of decision-making, policy-making, and building our collective efficacy. Although I took last year off from the Board of Directors to complete my dissertation and doctoral degree in Educational Leadership, upon completion I took the time to reflect and consider what was important to me. Boards of education make a difference in the lives of students and student learning. Being a school trustee is a leadership role I value in education. Boards of education have voice, choice, and agency. What we want for our students should be what we want for ourselves. My desire is to lead BCSTA with a common purpose focused on student learning. Thank you for considering my candidacy as president.

BCSTA Board of Directors, 3-years (2014-2017)

  • Liaison with the BCSTA Legislative Committee
  • Liaison with the (former) BCSTA Education Committee
  • Liaison with the Metro Branch, Northwest Branch, and VISTA Branch
  • Member of the BCSTA Trustee Learning Guide Ad Hoc Committee
  • Metro Branch New Trustee Mentor

School Trustee with the SD46 (Sunshine Coast) Board of Education (2011-present)

  • Chair of the SD46 Policy Committee
  • Chair of the SD46 Education Committee
  • Represented BCSTA on the Standing Committee on Provincial Curriculum
  • South Coast Branch Representative on the BCSTA Education Committee
  • South Coast Branch Secretary

Email: [email protected]

Questioning Pedagogy

EdCan Network – Signals of Change
The Signal: Questioning Pedagogy (March 2018)


I am pretty proud of this publication. I would say it’s my first official publication as “Dr. Younghusband.” It’s a Canadian Education magazine and this edition was about the “Signals of Change.” I was fortunate to participate in this Canada-wide discussion on the signals of change in Canadian Education. I had the pleasure of meeting Stephen Hurley at Rose Point School in Vancouver and enjoyed the group discussion. I also enjoyed our phone conversation prior to this meeting. We spoke about ourselves and my dissertation. I was still in the writing process. Stephen gave me some insight on the direction of K-12 math education in Ontario and educational reform, which made it into my dissertation. For that, I am very thankful for the conversation and this experience.

Participants of the “Signals of Change” had the opportunity to write a brief submission on one signal we are observing. With many submissions, only five were going to be chosen to be published and the others available electronically. At the time, I was inspired to write about student voice and student agency. Students desire agency and empowerment. I was enlightened by students in the writing of this article. It was based on listening to secondary students and observing what I see. Students are QUESTIONING PEDAGOGY and I wonder if we are listening. How things are taught, assessed, and evaluated are important to students. Are we listening? If so, what are we doing about it? In the end, students realize they just have to get through, so compliance and silence prevails.

Thank you Education Canada for selecting my article as one of the five and publishing it as the first of five in the magazine in the section “A Slew of Change.” Students need their voice heard, but also we are also called to action: to listen and respond accordingly. Aside from the fact that I have learned that being published takes time and writing from the heart matters, my writing was verified by a conversation I had the other day with a student. I am always curious about teaching and learning. As a result, I like to ask questions. I was chatting with a student and wondered about how this student felt about a certain initiative that was happening at school. I loved what this student had to say. The way this student articulated their thoughts, beliefs, and point of view resonated with my EdCan article. Who can they tell? Where does student voice go? Do we even ask?

Students have a lot to say and what they have to say can be insightful, thoughtful, and worthwhile listening too. At one level, we have to give students “the space” to have their voice as critical thinkers and agents of their learning, but we have to take what was heard and take it to a different level. It’s an opportunity for reflection, professional development, or contribution to decision making. This is a power-shift, but also a paradigm shift. We need to give up a little power to empower students. Is this what we are hoping for, for students? Are we doing what it takes to make this happen for (and with) students? I wonder if we are aware of what students think and if we are tokenizing student voice. Students have something to say and getting their point of view is the best formative feedback education systems can receive. Are we prepared to listen? Ask yourself.