This is the Time

Moving forward can be a mysterious journey.  Knowing me, I am a little impatient.  I would like to know where I’m going sometimes.  Who doesn’t?  Status quo SUCKS (unless it is already super awesome) and I am grateful for the opportunities to learn.  I love being an edu-catalyst.  YUP.  I want to trademark that term.  I derive great joy from making a difference in public education.  It may come from tutoring, facilitating professional development workshops, developing curriculum, helping teachers, governance, or committee work.  I am making a difference and I am ready for the next challenge.  Admittedly, I have engaged in some pretty phenomenal edu-experiences that has nourished my need for educational growth and contribution.  So what’s next?  Decision made.  DISSERTATION COMPLETION.  This is the time.  One year.  Read, write, research… and defend.  Everything that has happened was meant to happen.  Thank you friends and family for encouraging and supporting me.  I could not do it without you.