Thanksgiving 2013

I love my kid.  She seems to manage to teach me something new everyday.  Today’s lesson: Don’t take life so seriously.  Be thankful.  So here is my TOP 10 LIST of TURKEY GRATITUDE:

10.  Thank you sunshine. May you be sunny Monday during the Turkey Trot Run on Granville Island. #weatherdependentrunner
9.  Thank you Sunshine Coast residents. Love living on the Sunshine Coast with you. So many great people. #aplacetobe
8.  Thank you Younghusband Consulting Math Tutees. Teaching and learning mathematics is so much fun. #makingadifference
7.  Thank you SFU MEd Surrey Cohort in Ed Leadership.  Loved working with you all. #passionate #driven #leaders #convocation
6.  Thank you BCAMT Executive Committee.  So wonderful to work with people passionate about math education. #likeminded
5.  Thank you SFU EdD program. Challenged by the dissertation process. Humbling. Learning lots. #couragetosucceed
4.  Thank you BC Ministry of Education and Younghusband Consulting Workshop Participants. #openmindedness
3.  Thank you SD46 Board of Education. A learning experience. Great opportunities. Serving students. #purposeful
2.  Thank you edu-colleagues… teachers, students, parents, trustees, administrators, professors… #allinittogether
1.  Thank you friends and family.  You have infinite patience and love. #muchgratitude #unconditional #ongoingsupport

Yup. It’s the people in my life (and the sun) that I am grateful for on Thanksgiving 2013.  Everyone has something to teach me and I have something to learn.  Seems kinda sappy, but so what.  What are you thankful for? #hashtags #lol

PB (post-blog): OK. I am also thankful for the #bcedchat team, #bcedchat, #COLchat, #cdnedchat, Gibsons Ladies Night Curling Club, the BCSTA, my dog Sally, and double tall non-fat lattes.  You see… once you start… you can’t stop.