Thank You

With all that is happening “out there” in BC Education, I was to express my deepest gratitude to the delegates of the 2015 BC School Trustees’ Association (BCSTA) AGM. I am honoured to be elected as one of 7 board directors to serve member boards of BCSTA and students of British Columbia. We are faced with another difficult year in BC public education with the recent BC supreme court ruling regarding class size and composition, the implementation of Bill 11 and possibly erosion of local board autonomy as it approaches its third read in the legislature, and the continuance of building relationships with our education partner groups with hopes of providing a quality public education system within our communities. Whether if you look at the current situation in BC education as problematic or opportunistic, we are at the face of change. We must be prepared for these changes, not only as as a defender of public education but also a contributor. The best thing to keep in mind during this time of transformation is our purpose. How are we best serving the students in the BC public education? Regardless of what role you have in BC education… teacher, student, parent, administrator, community member, or school trustee… everything that we do must have student learning and our students’ best interests in mind. Each of us play an integral role in BC education and it takes ALL OF US to work together to “make things happen” for our students in our communities. Thank you once again. I look forward to working with the 2015/16 BCSTA Board of Directors.

One comment:

  1. Congrats on your election. Hope you will advocate for a Royal Commission on Education in order to bring about some common understanding of the scope and goals of our education system.

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