Teacher Leadership
Friday, December 15, 2023 – A Self-Portrait
Oh my gosh… when I saw this image on Instagram, I thought I was looking into a mirror. LOL. A circle (aka. Pusheen) with a bag of chips. Heaven. I don’t eat chips anymore (because I’m getting old and all of my organs are slowly failing) and I’m allergic to cats (but I love Pusheen). Look at the joy in their face!! I know that feeling. I can see myself in this image, or shall I say it’s an excellent self-portrait. Today marks the official end of the fall term (for me). It was full to say the least. I taught two undergraduate courses, two graduate courses, supervised final practicum for 8 teacher candidates, and supervised one graduate student in portfolio. This is the life of teaching faculty at the university. I’m not complaining, but rather accepting.
Surrender. You can’t control your surroundings.
I enjoy teaching. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, but to be viable in higher education, there is also a research component, even though it’s not in my workload to do so. I do plenty of service and I’ve been learning since being in higher education how to “say no” and to do what I like to do for the university and profession. I also need to “say no” in my teaching, meaning, I don’t have to do everything. It’s been a year where I had to really think about my values and what’s important to me. I’ve had several pivotal moments in 2023 to point in some direction and with some urgency. It’s not something I can “force” myself to do, but it’s something that needs to stay in my consciousness and be mindful of. Furthermore, in doing so, I’ve had to engage in my own healing. This year has been full of change but I feel that I’m landing somewhere.
Being the end of term, at least for my teaching, I took today as a SLOW DAY to recalibrate into the “on the side of my desk” aspect of my work… research. I’ve been mulling about my research program and looking for that thread that attaches everything that I do and what I am interested in together. This reflection and consideration take time because I am interested and have been involved with many aspects of education that may appear unrelated. I’ve been advised several times during my time at the university to figure out my research program. At first I thought it was mathematics, then Indigenous education, and identity development. What I have realized is, my focus is TEACHER LEADERSHIP. It’s something that I will be writing more about soon for a chapter in a book, but I am realizing this is the common thread throughout my work. The leadership is not a formal position, but I am a leader.
“Lead from where you are.”
Leadership takes on many forms. As I reflect on the courses that I’ve just taught this term and I was deeply moved by one IGNITE video submitted by one student in one of my classes that deeply resonated with me in addition to thinking about what I do in my practice and what I hope for with professional development and even with this blog, TEACHER LEADERSHIP is the connecting thread. Not everyone is going to like what or even like me or what I have to offer, but “my why” (inspired by Simon Sinek) and my deep admiration for Parker Palmer’s work and self-knowledge, I am super excited about this discovery. Yes, I was doing the dishes when my thinking about the content of this blog. It went from reflection and pandemic reflections to the idea of leadership, then to Teacher Leadership, which has always been my mantra. I cannot describe to you how excited I am except for the idea that this blog post took only 30-minutes to write. I’m stoked. So look forward to future posts on teacher leadership.