Love Learning

Chocolate Covered Bacon in Powell River, BC

I would like to consider myself an edu-explorer.  Learning something new every day motivates me.  For example, I recently sunk my teeth into a stick of chocolate covered bacon.  Delicious.  I’ve always wanted to try it and one more bucket list item achieved.  What’s next?  In education, I taught a wide variety of courses ranging from Keyboarding 9 to Calculus 12.  I learned a tonne in 15 years of service in public schools.  What’s next?  Within a handful of years, I became an entrepreneur, doctoral candidate, politician, curriculum developer, public speaker, blogger, website developer, and site assistant at SFU… just to name a few accomplishments.  What’s next?  Dissertation completion.  That entails ethics approval, gathering data, data analysis, lots of research, lots of writing, lots or rewriting, and an oral defense.  I do best learning by doing.  I am an experiential learner.  It’s one step at a time.  Mistakes will be made and that’s OK.  Love Learning.  Welcome to my pedagogical journey.