Joy Rising

Just finished another #bcedchat this evening… which inspired me to write tonight’s blog.  What do you do that brings you joy?  I think about all the different things that I do… and much of what I do is education related… but one of my greatest joys is participating and learning from #bcedchat.  Tonight I was a just tweeting along as a participant on #bcedchat… sometimes I am a co-moderator… other times I’m hanging out with members of the #bcedchat co-mod team on Google+.  No matter how I participate, I’m learning.  And for this, I am grateful.  I feel inspired, energized, and enlightened.  Tonight’s topic was “Thoughtful Technology Integration.” I had no idea what I would contribute or learn. Tonight, I was a teacher and learner.  I just put my thoughts out there and inquired.  I met so many great people via Twitter and love my growing PLN.  It’s moments like these when I feel like… “Doh, I wished I was back in the classroom to try out some of these ideas.”  Way too much fun… and maybe one day, I will be. Until then, let the lurking and learning continue. #Twitter #awesome