Follow the Leader

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell

Life lessons comes to me in the strangest ways.  I’ve just returned from my trip to Kamloops.  It’s about a 5-hour drive with ferry.  I am not the greatest driver, especially on road trips.  This was a solo trip.  I was scheduled to present and I did not give driving a second thought until I got onto the Coquihalla Highway.  At first, it was beautiful and sunny in Hope.  I stopped at the Dairy Queen for a small dipped cone to celebrate my first accomplishment of driving from Vancouver to Hope.  I proceeded onto Highway 5 and over the ridge… BOOM… hail, rain, snow, fog… you name it… it happened.  “Limited visibility” is an understatement.  I could not see what was in front of me, except for the red brake lights of a flatbed 18-wheeler truck.  I followed him like he was my best friend.  When he changed lanes, I changed lanes.  When he slowed down, I slowed down.  When he passed trucks, I passed trucks.  It was follow the leader.  Certainly, I followed him by choice, but it was clear to me that he had the expertise, the confidence, and the patience to have me follow him from Hope to Merritt.  Many vehicles passed us en route (not sure how), but I faithfully follow him because I had much to learn.  In a way, he was showing me the ropes.  We parted ways in Merritt.  From Merritt to Kamloops, the drive was still pretty sketchy but I managed to make it to my destination safe and sound.  Kamloops was also beautiful and sunny.  On reflection, I could have followed any vehicle.  Truthfully, if the vehicle was going to fast or too slow, I would have fell behind or passed by.  I think he knew he was helping me and I’m grateful.  Good leadership is hard to come by.  When I find it, I will follow.  From what I learned, I too will lead.  Thank you Mr. Truck Driver.

Thank you SD73 (Kamloops/Thompson) Secondary Mathematics Teachers and Elementary First Nations Education Support Workers for inviting me to be a part of your professional development day.  I had a wonderful time with you all to share some of my thoughts on assessment, math education, and making math fun.