Feeling Stoked

Day 11 (of 187) – September 18, 2018

Oh my goodness… it’s already tomorrow. 12:12am. And yes, I am committed to writing my daily blog of learning before I do anything else. Tuesdays are going to be long days. I have a night class. Wednesdays are teaching days. I thought I had this figured out. I planned and prepped last week for my classes… and I’m glad I did for my Tuesday night class because when I’m on campus, my day gets filled up with connecting with people on the floor. I love those moments and I love our conversations and collaboration.

Take a look at the photo above. I am so stoked about this. This is how my day started. I had an online face-to-face conversation with a group of people from around the world meeting. It was incredible. We were connecting with Dr. Gillian Judson (Twitter: @perfinker), the Executive Director of CIRCE at Simon Fraser University. We are part of the Academic Council at CIRCE and this was our inaugural meeting with some of the crew. I love this context of what CIRCE has to offer and what it intends to do. This is going to be THE BEST professional learning community and opportunity for me and I can’t wait. We are starting anew and I look forward to the journey with Gillian to make CIRCE flourish and succeed. Check out the website at http://www.circesfu.ca/ and subscribe to get your free IE (imaginative education) Took kit. There are lots more things to come.

I was pretty stoked about this morning’s online meeting, which was then topped off with the completion of our UNBC-EDUC Template for e-Portfolios. It’s another exciting endeavour happening at UNBC School of Education where we intend to pilot e-Portfolios for the Practicum Component for Teacher Education, but also have it eventually become a 2-year documentation of the Teacher Candidate’s learning experience, which may also include coursework, exemplars of learning, and ongoing formative assessment. I am optimistic and excited of this initiative and how it can collaborate with the current EdTech courses offered to second year Teacher Candidates. Not only does it allow for our Teacher Candidates to understand the complexities of Communicating Student Learning as a learner, it also serves as a CAPSTONE for when they successfully completed Teacher Education at UNBC and venture forward into a career in teaching or related vocations.

Today started super great that I was riding this wave of excitement for the rest of the day. I was chatted with one colleague, then another. We went to get a bagel… which quickly transformed into going to the UNBC Farmer’s Market where I got BUTTER CHICKEN and a SAMOSA. Yup. Great things happen in three’s. BOOM. I was so stoked to go to the Farmer’s Market and a comforting carb-eriffic lunch sealed the deal. From one meeting to another… then chatting with another colleague… I was able to make it to my night class in time to have the day conclude with an evening of social and academic engagement. Can it get any better than this? We’ll soon shall see. Now it’s time to re-prep for tomorrow.


  1. Christine

    UNBC School of Education has pioneered the use of e-portfolios since I began them in 2006. This is not a new initiative as is evidenced by research published on the topic. Certainly a step in the right direction to be acknowledged as an innovative approach

  2. Agreed Andrew… This is a blog, not a research article that is peer reviewed. That said, I also understand that other universities are using e-Portfolios in their Teacher Education Programs. What’s new is, the intention to use e-portfolios for the entire 2-years of Teacher Education that is inclusive to the EdTech course offered in Year 2, which you have initiated, and other courses including practicum. It’s also an opportunity for Teacher Candidates to engage in BC’s New Curriculum as learners with Communicating Student Learning, Personalized Learning, and ongoing self-assessment. It will also provide our students a frameworks to develop a sense of continuity or connectedness between their coursework and the practicum experience. This is an opportunity to take e-Portfolios further in the UNBC Teacher Education Program that extends beyond one course offered in Year 2 but also it can be used as a CAPSTONE that students can use as part of their CV as they enter the workforce.

    Thank you for acknowledging your part with e-Portfolios at UNBC School of Education and giving me the opportunity to extend my thinking on my blog to share some of my thoughts and intentions regarding e-Portfolios with you and others.

    Best regards, C

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