
Cards Against Humanity. It’s an interesting game to say the least. The game challenges players to think out of the box, in a sort of horrid way sometimes. Some responses are so outrageous, it makes you laugh. Hence, this is the entertainment factor of the game. Strangely, I see the game as a metaphor. The black card says, “The next step I’m going to take is _________.” In my hand, I have 7 white cards. Some of cards are reasonable, while others are totally outrageous for two reasons. First, I’ve already been there, done that. Second, how could that even be possible? Why bother? Now, I am the point where I have to play one of these cards. It’s decision making time.

I feel that it is time for change, yet I hesitate. Which card shall I play? Much like Cards Against Humanity, there is no right or wrong answer. However, the card chosen is subject to judgement. In essence, there are 3 domains to choose from within these 7 cards: The status quo, return back, or DREAM BIG. For those who know me, I prefer the latter. DREAM BIG. Do the impossible. Challenge the status quo. However, in doing that, I will have to incur a bit of discomfort along the way. People may laugh. People may question. People may judge. In the end, I have to be OK with that.

With my current work, I am so grateful to do what I do. As eclectic as these activities are, I love every minute of them and proud to be a contributor in each group. Just last week, I worked with the BCAMT at Think Tank, connected with the BCSTA Education Committee, participated at “One Word, One Burger” hosted by CISVA, and co-moderated #BCEdChat on Twitter to discuss “Competencies and the 21st Century Learner.” I feel very fortunate to do what I do. However, what compliments this feeling of joy is the feeling of comfort. Why change? Things are great!!! Right?

There are two mindsets to address the situation: (1) maintain the status quo and maybe reinvent yourself; (2) acknowledge that the work may be done and situate yourself in a place of discomfort. The status quo is wonderful, but I’m not growing. I have been avoiding “the edge” shall we say, for many years thinking that all of the other stuff that I’ve hoped and dreamed for would be difficult to attain. I am living the dream. What’s next? I must look over the edge again and challenge myself to what I am meant to do and be. This is part of my new vision. To do so, I must subject myself to be in a place of discomfort. Live on the edge… as some would say.

No one likes to walk away from a place of comfort. Change is unpredictable. Discomfort is (obviously) uncomfortable. I held off a day to post this blog entry. Yet, over the last 24-hours, Caitlyn Jenner is on the cover of Vanity Fair, Truth & Reconciliation recommendations were announced, and I just found out that a former student of mine is no longer with us. What the hell? If it is not now, then when?

“If we are growing, we are always going to be outside our comfort zone.” – John Maxwell

Here, here!!!