
Wow. I feel wonderful. Finally, I have achieved COMPLETION… my 2015 word. Alignment was 2016 and JOY was 2017. I think it’s all coming all together. This is the first time I have felt free from any deadlines or “work” looming in the back of my mind. I’ve just finished my marking for EDUC471, I completed my writing fo the Trustee Study, and I am done my dissertation. That’s it. I’m at a turning point and it feels great!!! This blog entry could be an unofficial year-in-review because I am satisfied with what I have accomplished and I made space to get things done. It’s seems so counterintuitive but the more I took off my plate, the more I accomplished. More is not better. It’s just more.

With a family vacation and international conference on the horizon, I can take a moment to relax and reflect on where I have come from and be open to what’s to come. I have to pay attention to what excites me and brings me joy. These are signals to what I am aligned to. I also have to be willing to let go of the stories of the person who I perceive myself to be. I have learned over the past few weeks that I am capable of achieving anything I would like to achieve. Anything is possible, if I believe it to be, and I am willing to take the steps forward to get where I want to be. This takes vision and commitment.

I look forward to 2018. The year holds lots of promise and I am making space for more opportunities. As I approach the end of 2017, I am hugely humbled by my PLN and those around me who are ROOTING FOR MY RISE. It overwhelms me to know that there are so many people in my tribe who have my back. I feel blessed and honoured. I have no words except for HOPE, love, and kindness. I cannot believe that I am surrounded by so many wonderful people. This is my biggest awakening. Yes, I am having that moment… an I LOVE PEOPLE moment. Thank you all… you know who you are. I am ready for 2018.