Closing Up the Campaign

Monday morning after the BC Civic Election… Life returns back to normal.  Campaign signs have disappeared… I’m walking my daughter to school… and I return to my computer click-clacking away blogging, researching, and writing.  The occasional “congratulations,” “well-done,” and “way-to-go” from parents, colleagues, and community members makes life a little different.

Today, I am closing up my campaign as school trustee.  During this campaign, I was the campaign manager, financial agent, and politician.  I did not even have a scrutineer during election day.  It’s sometimes hard to believe that I was able to make it on top with such a modest campaign and few “peeps” helping me out.  I did have a little political posse who supported me behind the scenes, but ultimately, I assumed all of the “official roles” during my campaign trail.

All municipal politicians, win or lose, must submit a financial statement of money spent and contributed, monetary or in-kind, to the campaign.  I will also have to return the official list of registered voters from 2008 and fill out some other forms to ensure that my campaign has been transparent and legitimate.  In the meantime, I will close my “Younghusband Campaign” bank account and “Elect Christine Younghusband for School Trustee” Facebook page.

I will continue to Twitter @Christine YH, provide status updates on Facebook, modify my political website “Vote for Younghusband,” and write in my “YH Edu-Blog” about education from the perspective of a graduate student, math educator, and school trustee. 

I am really excited for what the future holds for me in the next three years.  I am working on my dissertation.  I am attending the SFU TLE Teaching and Learning Certificate Program for Graduate Students to teach university.  I am continuing to present at conferences and submit proposals.  I am looking forward to serving the residents of Sechelt on the School District No.46 (Sunshine Coast) Board and working with the other newly elected school trustees and Superintendent of Schools.

This only the beginning and I encourage everyone to take the first step towards living your dream.