Challenge Accepted

Where has the time gone? It’s been almost 2 weeks since the last weekly #bcedchat for this school year and Rose Pillay (@RosePillay1) challenged me to do a “mini blog” series that describes my year of professional learning. This was Question 3 of #bcedchat on June 30, 2019. We celebrated #bcedchat’s 6th Birthday. The chat was moderated by Janet Chow (@JanetChowMSc). I remembered that Rose challenged me. I first attempted scrolling through my Twitter handle, then through #bcedchat’s hashtag to find my 6 words. I gave up. So, I went to @bcedchat’s website to find the chat under “Archives” and voila. The scroll was way easier and I found the tweets that document the acceptance of Rose’s mini-blog series challenge. I never done a mini-blog series and I don’t think that I have ever posted tweets as part of my blog. There are always time for firsts. Thank you #bcedchat Storify for cataloguing our edu-chats. What you will see below is the conversation between Janet, Rose, and I. There are repetitive images because one is responding to the other. Nonetheless, challenge is accepted and a mini-blog series is coming (possibly done on my I-Pad because my laptop just died).

The Question:

My Answer:

The Compliment:

The Challenge:

The Consideration:

The Follow-Up:

Challenge Accepted:

The Criteria:

The Closer:


  1. This is very interesting Christine. I never thought of pulling tweets from an archived list to tell the story. It actually does this well. Mmh gives me an idea to move this into the realm of students. What if one curated a list of ideas from various topics. You could return to the area, review it and tease out what resonated and use it as an opener to discuss deeper.

    1. Love it. Doing this allowed me to show others what conversation I was following or paying attention to during #bcedchat. It just so happened to be between the three of us. Great idea to get students to do this. I would love to know how it goes.

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