BCEdChat Resolution Challenge


Resolution Challenge/Inquiry Question/Professional Goal: To complete my dissertation. I would like to have my draft document done by the Spring of 2016 and complete my oral defence in the Summer of 2016. “I am a writer” is my NEW MANTRA. And truth… 20+ years ago, I would have never imagined it. You cannot surprise yourself unless you try. I never thought that I would make it through my undergrad. I never thought I would get into the Faculty of Education. I never thought I could complete my Master of Education. Well… you can see a pattern. My inquiry is, when we remove the barriers in front of us, what’s possible? It’s anything, really.

Why is this important to me? At first, I started my doctorate to achieve the “good external” that is, change my status, reputation, or occupation… all of the wrong reasons. Now, I am motivated by the “goods internal”… the learning, the challenge, and the wonderful edu-surprises. I love what I have learned about myself, I love the people I have met, and I love my dissertation. I am excited about what’s next.

What do I hope to see or experience as a result of this? I hope to see my dissertation bound and in the SFU Library, convocation, and publication… no pressure. I would also like to have the opportunity to pursue further research, return teaching (in some way), and find other ways to challenge my false beliefs as a learner and teacher. I’ve surprised myself many times during this dissertation journey, not really expecting that I would enjoy data analysis. Who would have thought? I also enjoy the writing process… another surprise to self. I just love nourishing my edu-spirit and soul as a LEARNER. It’s been messy and I’m ready for the next chapter.

What are some resources that can help me? Ask questions and ask for help… ask myself, my supervisor, and my edu-colleagues. I am so grateful to have a supportive people around me. This took me some time to understand, but also be vulnerable to it. Thank you everyone for lending a helping hand and for your unsolicited kindness and support. I love my PLN, my SFU EdD Cohort, and all those in my edu-community. Just ask a question… ask for help. Vulnerability and courage are key to learning.

PS. I have updated and added to my #bcedchat blog on the fly. It was fun and look forward to Sunday, February 28th at 7pm PST for our Resolution Challenge follow-up. 


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