A Year in Review 2022
Week 146 – December 31, 2022 – Living My Best Life
Oh my… what a year. The pandemic persists, thus so do my #pandemicreflections. You’re welcome. I think about the importance of reflection and how these few years have been incredibly transformative. I have spent much time figuring out what’s important to me and now unpacking what’s important about me. It’s been good.
I took the last couple of weeks relaxing. Prior to that, I was sick and trying to recover from that while the term was ending and I was trying to get things done. Well, now I am looking at that same pile of work that needs to get done and the world did not crumble. I feel rested and rejuvenated. I was so glad to have alone time to rest.
After watching the news and seeing the stress on those who were/are travelling, I am not sad that I spent most of my holiday on my LazyBoy chair. I’ve cleaned my place and cleaned up some of my bad habits that were not honouring or respecting me. One step at a time. Patience. Compassion. Kindness. I am doing all these for me.
I was burning out at the beginning of 2022. There was so much on my plate and I was doing very little that supported who I am and I spent a lot of time not feeling worthy. I learned that I had to let go of what I thought was important and feel “selfish” with what was really important to me. Mentoring and coaching in the summer were key.
The Fall 2022 Term was incredible. I have no words but thank you. I let go of what I thought as important and focused on what I loved to do. I focused on learning. I did not bother worrying about what others thought or care about getting consensus on what I wanted to do. No compromises. Just joy. That was the biggest lesson for me.
When you pay attention to what you love the most and walk in a direction that is aligned to who you are, good things happen. This took me decades to understand wholeheartedly. 2022 was about finding who I am and making choices that are deliberate and intentional. I didn’t want to travel this holiday and it’s been great.
I’m learning how to rest and embracing who I am and what I love was a wonderful gift to myself and an amazing way to conclude the 2022 year. I have never felt more like myself and I know it’s going to feel more like that as time goes on. I am lucky. What a luxury to have time to myself. It was selfish and indulgent. I’m worth it.
My #OneWord2022 was COMMIT. I originally intended to “commit” to my work, my kid, and my research. What I have learned is, I need to commit to myself. I am committed and I have loved my pedagogical journey to this place so far and I look forward to what’s to come in the new year. There is much to learn. I can’t wait.
It’s back to work next week and I am so happy that I took a break despite the HUGE amount of work I have to do to get ready for classes. It’s ok. I just have to continue listening to my intuition and keep with the learning mindset. I am also going to set a few one-year goals. I can’t wait. Anything is possible. I’m looking forward to 2023.