A New Vision

This note kind of makes me giggle. It’s one thing to correct (or not correct) people when they ask me if I’m doing a masters or PhD. But this note makes me smile. Unknowingly, it’s a pleasant surprise… incorrect… but nonetheless, nice. I’ve been holding off on my new vision for quite some time thinking that I may (or may not be) on the right track (or not). Welcome to second guessing and hesitation. Yup. What does procrastination lead to? The same. Am I satisfied with ‘the same’? Umm… no. As mentioned, it’s time. At last, I can see my new vision. I may have said this in a previous blog, but I realized “my (old) vision” last April. Done. Finished. Complete. Who would have thought? Not me. I held onto that vision for more almost 10 years. Dream BIG. Think BIG. I didn’t expect that it would actually happen. It did. I’m blown away.

As much as it is exciting to realize your vision, you then become burdened with creating another one. Because once you arrive, you have an opportunity to maintain the new status quo or dream again. Well… I’m not one for the status quo for any length of time… so when I say burden, I really mean gift. I must admit, it takes time to realize what the hell you want to do next. It’s bigger than “what do you want to do when you grow up.” I am a grown up. I have a career. I turned the corner. Guess what? I’m turning the corner again. Where am I going? It’s scary… exciting… and about bloody time. I can spend many days cognitively paralyzed, but it’s time to JUMP… again. It took some time to accept it, embrace it, and love it. I’m sold!!!

As much as I think that my new vision is totally crazy and almost dream-like… I can see and feel exactly how it will unfold. It’s insane. I can feel the fabric, hear my name, and see into the eyes of people in my vision. Way too trippy, but I am encouraged by the fact that my (old) vision realization coming true, I’m stoked for the next vision. And, as soon as I realize this vision… I’m ready for the next one… and the one after that. I know that I’m moving in the direction I am suppose to… and I am totally excited. Right now I am turning the corner on my dissertation, I am facilitating a workshop in September, I am working on a research project with my supervisor, and I am instructing a graduate level course in the fall. I am reunited with some of my edu-loves… assessment, teaching, learning, and curriculum. And, I am only mentioning a few things happening this fall. Yup… 2015 is ending with a BANG.

Deep breath… Just trust your vision. What do you want for yourself? What is your dream? What are you going to do about it? I am so passionate about education. The next few steps ahead of me is only the beginning. As many times you get ‘the whisper’ that things are going WRONG… there are just as many whispers telling you when things are right. Focus on those feelings. I knew that I was on the right track a few weeks ago when I started planning for the workshop I will be facilitating. I had a potent dose of Vietnamese Iced Coffee and I could not stop imagining how the workshop would unfold. I even planned a poetry lesson. Super WEIRD… it’s not my favourite topic or subject area… but I loved the planning process. It just felt good. What inspired me to write tonight’s blog was the completion of the DRAFT plans and notes for that workshop. Now, I’m ready for my next task to complete.

Doing what you love… it’s effortless and timeless. Figure what that is for you and visualize. I love what I am doing and so happy to come to terms with my new vision. Yay… BTW: I have not disclosed what my new vision exactly is. I gave you some hints in terms of where I’m heading, but I’m going to keep my new vision to myself. Be assured that I will report to you bloggies when the new vision has been realized.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs