Sechelt Innovations Ltd.

Sheer excitement… Sechelt Innovations Ltd. Launch Party on October 30, 2013 opened my eyes to all the possibilities Sechelt, my hometown, has to offer.  It is focused on viable economic development to create jobs in Sechelt.  Their motto: “Sechelt is Open for Business.”  At the launch party, standing room only at the Seaside Centre, six new businesses were introduced:

1. Sunshine Coast Winery (Selma Park)
2. Vanta Pacific (West Porpoise Bay)
3. Target Marine (Tuwanek)
4. East Porpoise Bay Hotel
5. Coast Gravity Park (nr. East Porpoise Bay)
6. Telus Fibre Optic (Sechelt & Sunshine Coast)

As I mingled around the room, seeing familiar faces, and connecting with those who are truly invested in the District of Sechelt, I was awestruck by their optimism, genuine excitement, and imagination of what Sechelt can be.  This excites me.  As someone who could be a commuter to the Lower Mainland, has commuted part-time for schooling, and often considers moving elsewhere in search for employment, Sechelt Innovations has brought a bright light to young families like mine.  Thank you to the Sechelt Innovations Ltd. volunteer board, staff, and the District of Sechelt for making this happen.  Moving forward.