Chatelech 2015

Congratulations to the Class of 2015

Here is the speech I delivered to the Chatelech Secondary Graduating Class of 2015 on behalf of the School District No.46 (Sunshine Coast) Board of Education… #honoured.

Mayor Bruce Milne, Superintendent Bocking, Invited Guests, SD46 Staff and Students, Parents and FAMILY… and the Graduating Class of 2015…

Good evening…

My name is Christine Younghusband, School Trustee from the District of Sechelt.

I am proud to be here tonight to say a few words to Chatelech Secondary’s Graduating Class of 2015 on behalf of the SD46 Board of Education.

First of all I would like to say…. What a good-looking group graduates!!!

Congratulations to all of you on reaching THIS milestone in your life!!!

Wow… 13 years have come and gone. Who would have thought that we would be here today? So soon… and we’re celebrating your academic achievements.

It was not that long ago when you took your first steps… spoke your first word… or read your first book. Now… some of you can conjugate “avoir” in passé compose, play a musical instrument, factor trinomials, balance equations, write poetry, fix a vehicle, compete in high performance sport, bake a soufflé, or paint a portrait.

YOU are a diverse group of learners with a diverse group of interests, passion, and skill set. For this, we are proud of you. From K to 12, you have endured some good times and not so good times. Remember… every experience is a learning experience.

Educator and philosopher John Dewey suggested, “Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life, education is life itself.”

I would agree with him… Treat every moment as a learning opportunity. There are NO mistakes. Do not dwell, regret, or second-guess. Live in the present & celebrate!

On behalf of the SD46 Board of Education, CONGRATULATIONS Class of 2015 and best wishes to all of you on your future endeavours… BE BOLD and BE BRAVE.

Thank you.