One Word Challenge

blogger-image--578983118This is one of the wonderful things that I love about Twitter. Depending on who you follow and what you like to read… you can get inspired. A few weeks ago, I found the 2015 One Word Challenge from #think35. Although I am not a staff member of School District No.35 (Langley), I will unofficially participate in the challenge. I love the idea that people within SD35 are willing to create a virtual community for colleagues to share their one word for 2015, “make a change,” and communicate their 365 day journey via blog. What can I say… #superawesomeexcellent. So what’s my one word? My word is COMPLETION. Ironically, I am writing this blog to complete it. It’s been on hold for the last few weeks and I wanted to write another blog today about COMPLETION. On reflection, I figured that I might as well finish this one before the next one… ah yes, completion!!! It feels so good. This must be a part of an educator’s profile… “do more with less.” With this mantra, it’s easy to have a tonne of things on the go and nothing done. Well… I am so proud to report to that I have “completed” a few things as we approach the end of January. It feels great!!! Done. Finished. Complete. Tasks to do ranged from work to writing to housecleaning. Ultimately, it’s about getting it done. I get caught into the trap of “perfection”… which is oppositional to “completion.” I must exercise some of life’s lessons… LET IT GO… DO YOUR BEST… BE VULNERABLE. Yup. I’ve been wanting to blog for quite some time but felt held up by my website development. As one friend had kindly told me once… ONE STEP AT AT TIME. A little bit at a time and soon… all will be done. This requires patience, courage, and determination. I am getting there. Man-o-man… so many lessons in just one word. Thank you #think35.