

I cannot believe how much I am enjoying reading about methodology and statistics. I resisted for a very long time doing a quantitative study… and now I am reading about midpoint and the Likert Scale. What the? And, enjoying it. For years I wanted to do a qualitative study… compromised with a mixed methods approach… and now I am convinced a descriptive study is the way to go. Resistance is a funny thing… it holds ourselves back from something potentially great and wonderful. For quite some time my mantra was… everyone in my cohort is doing qualitative research, so should I. Hello? Failed logic. I’m a math teacher. I like math. I resisted. I am so enamoured by narratives and the lived experience such that I could not believe a quantitative study was the way to go. Amazingly, descriptive research uses data to create the narrative. Crazy or what? Something I wanted all along. Life’s Lesson: Resist resistance. Go with your strengths… speak your truth… and have fun. #joyrising