Happy New Year!!!

10419453_10152539945191080_166245299909327415_nFirst of all… HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I am very hopeful and optimistic about 2015. I love the idea of a new year. It’s an opportunity for recommitments, renewal, and revitalization. I have made a few resolutions for the new year, which will require me to take a few things off my plate or put on hold. I’m OK with that. It’s not forever, it’s just for a year. For me to experience all of the wonderful things in 2014, other things were taken off my plate or put on hold as well. It’s time for a priority change. This will require a new mindset and new habits. No biggie. It’s about moving forward and not dwelling on the past.

I’ve set 3 goals for 2015 and expect to keep them until I see them through to completion. Wish me luck… Second, I cannot believe that it has been more than a month since my last blogged. Nothing was reported for December 2014. Weird. With the end of my mayoralty campaign and re-entering back into my life as I once knew it with much to catch up on… I needed time to land, be still, and take a break. My blog is evidence of that. I had an incredible winter vacation. I had quiet time at home with my ‘little family’… Triple-Duck Madness in Vancouver with my immediate family… and time to clean and purge the crap out of my home. What can I tell you… it feels good. Third, I am moving forward with my 3 goals for 2015. I have read many articles, completed a new version of my survey questionnaire, and in the middle of revising all 3 chapters of my proposal with a deadline of January 5th. I resisted for years, but I am letting go and doing a quantitative research study. I am running out of time and up for the challenge.

Next, I have started Fitbit. This will be a new habit. I like data. I figured that I might as well guide my life and lifestyle based on numbers. Why not? Seems reasonable. I’m a math girl. Embrace it. And finally, I am in the middle of developing my new professional/political website at www.christineyounghusband.com. Admittedly, merging my websites together is like merging my worlds together… educational consulting, educational research, and educational leadership. At one point in time, I thought it was not possible… hence I managed 3 websites, 3 twitter accounts, 3 Facebook sites… and one blog. Seems unreasonable.

I have consolidated my Facebook pages to “Christine Younghusband” and my Twitter accounts to “@ChristineYH.” Now I am faced with creating my new website. Conceptually, I am feeling challenged. On the brighter side, there is one clear thread that resonates between my political work, academic work, and professional work. I have a deep desire to improve the learning experiences of others. That’s it. I feel fortunate to have three HUGE entry points to achieve this in addition to all the other edu-awesome things I do… such as #bcedchat, curriculum development, trusteeship, and this blog. The website will come together and I am so happy to have people around me to help. I am looking forward to 2015.

Thank you for enduring this unusually long blog entry. I had to make up for the lost blog time in December. #HappyNewYear #Resolutions2015