My Study Buddy
Some people have an inflatable doll… I have Flat Carey. The dissertation writing process is a lonely journey. I need some company. There is lots of introspection, lots of reading, and lots of THINKING. I’m in the midst of revising Chapter 1 for the 456th time with a new outlook, new ideas, and new perspective. As I try to integrate some of these new ideas and writing style with what I had before, it does not seem to fit. Hence, REVISION. Whoa. Where was my head space before? Where what my head space before that? Repeat the question to self 453 times. And voila, the iteration process emerges. It’s so crazy and such a self-esteem killer. I think the process goes beyond humbling, but maybe my ego needs some recalibrating to ensure that I’m still learning. It’s amazing to look at old revisions and notice how much I’m transforming, cognitively and pedagogically. I feel so fortunate to have Flat Carey by my side cheering me on. Round Carey and other EdD classmates are also within email’s reach for moral and academic support. I am truly grateful. What I find strange is my break from dissertation writing is blogging. Ahhh… it’s a grounding experience. Thank you for reading Bloggies, but my break is over. Back to more reading, writing, and revising. #EdDcandidate #writingisfun