When Time Flies

You know that you are doing something you love when time flies.  I am aware that Stage 1 Job Action may agitate the educational system to encourage provincial bargaining.  After today, there is no doubt in my mind that students know how they are doing in school.  First, I know as a parent that my daughter is “meeting expectations” in mathematics and science.  And, I am confident that she is also “meeting expectations” in her other courses.  She is in grade 3.  Second, I know as a math/science tutor that students know how they are doing.  I had 6 tutoring scheduled for today, in addition to a reunion drumming session to celebrate the baby wolf drums made last week.  That is 6 hours of tutoring and managing to fit in other things like reading, writing, and some campaigning.

I had a tonne of fun tutoring.  Every client I serve is phenomenal.  Not to pat myself on the back, but each client seemed like he/she had fun learning math/science.  The best part of tutoring is the AH-HA moment.  I love that.  The AH-HA’s are what I love and miss most about teaching in public schools.  Today, I tutored one Math 9 student, one Math 8 student, one Science 10 student, and three Math 12 students.  My week is completely booked.  I am also out of town on Wednesday to see Nel Noddings (the Ethics of Care goddess) at SFU, the All-Candidates Meeting is tomorrow, and the Municipal Election is on Saturday.  In the end, all I can say is… I LOVE TEACHING.  I love honing in my pedagogical content skills as a tutor to teach students math/science so that they can feel confident, competent, and autonomous with their learning.  I think I achieved that feat today.

Are you doing what you love?  Some people ask me if I will ever return back teaching.  I love teaching.  Teaching is not isolated to a classroom in public schools.  I know that I took a BIG career detour by leaving public schools to pursue full-time graduate studies, run my own educational consulting business, and participate in local politics as a school trustee candidate.  I may return back teaching.  In the end, how do you know what your potential is, unless you try?  Take the first step…