Trustee Tour 2012
It’s been 3 months since being elected school trustee with the SD46 Board of Education. I cannot believe it’s been 3 months. I have attended several conferences with BCSTA and BCPSEA, participated in several Board of Education public meetings, and engaged in many working sessions with our Board and senior management. I’ve enjoyed the learning curve understanding governance, policy, and roles & responsibilities. One of the most meaningful events as school trustee is the “Trustee Tour” on March 1st and 2nd. Here is a picture of the SD46 Board of Education at Madeira Park, one of our elementary schools on the Sunshine Coast. The Trustee Tour was an excellent opportunity to meet school principals and gain a sense of each school’s uniqueness. I appreciated the warm welcome at each SD46 facility and I loved watching the students, teachers, and staff in action. Thank you to everyone who took part in the Trustee Tour 2012. It is a privilege to visit the schools and classrooms of SD46 and an honour to be an SD46 school trustee. Looking forward to future school and facility visits. Happy learning everyone!