I have turned a page. Leaving teaching over one year ago was not an easy decision. Something deep inside said it was time to go. I took a leap of faith and after 16 years of teaching it was a difficult transition. At present, I am fully engaged with my graduate studies, I am an elected school trustee, and I am self-employed as an educational consultant. There is more to mention on my CV, but what still remains the same is my contribution to public education. What I valued 2 years ago is what I value today. Mathematics education, educational policy, teacher professional development, and student learning continue to resonate with me. It just so happens that I am approaching my passion from a different vantage point. Educational leadership is not who you are, but it’s what you do. There is never a dull moment. I have met amazing people and learned much about education from new experiences. I am grateful for the last 14 months. No regrets. Truly enlightened. A transformation… and looking forward to new opportunities. What are you doing to go beyond the status quo?