Posts Tagged: decision-making

Younghusband for BCSTA President

Christine Younghusband
School District No.46 (Sunshine Coast)

I am proud to be running for the position of President of the BCSTA Board of Directors. I have 24 years of experience in BC education as an educator, researcher, curriculum developer, sessional instructor, and school trustee. I am deeply invested in BC public education and passionate about teaching and learning. I believe that boards of education are integral to the success of students in BC. We can influence the learning experiences of students while we advocate for quality public education in our communities and province. We are, collectively, educational leaders. Our role as boards of education is to effectively connect community values and identity to the operations of our schools to help students learn and thrive.

“Our task is to educate their (our students) whole being so they can face the future. We may not see the future, but they will and our job is to help them make something of it.” – Sir Ken Robinson

Returning back to the BCSTA Board of Directors as President would be an honour and privilege. I am able to effectively connect with others, listen to the concerns of others, and critically look at and question BC public education through multiple lenses. These are essential competencies as we move forward together as a provincial organization in terms of decision-making, policy-making, and building our collective efficacy. Although I took last year off from the Board of Directors to complete my dissertation and doctoral degree in Educational Leadership, upon completion I took the time to reflect and consider what was important to me. Boards of education make a difference in the lives of students and student learning. Being a school trustee is a leadership role I value in education. Boards of education have voice, choice, and agency. What we want for our students should be what we want for ourselves. My desire is to lead BCSTA with a common purpose focused on student learning. Thank you for considering my candidacy as president.

BCSTA Board of Directors, 3-years (2014-2017)

  • Liaison with the BCSTA Legislative Committee
  • Liaison with the (former) BCSTA Education Committee
  • Liaison with the Metro Branch, Northwest Branch, and VISTA Branch
  • Member of the BCSTA Trustee Learning Guide Ad Hoc Committee
  • Metro Branch New Trustee Mentor

School Trustee with the SD46 (Sunshine Coast) Board of Education (2011-present)

  • Chair of the SD46 Policy Committee
  • Chair of the SD46 Education Committee
  • Represented BCSTA on the Standing Committee on Provincial Curriculum
  • South Coast Branch Representative on the BCSTA Education Committee
  • South Coast Branch Secretary

Email: [email protected]