Stay in the Zone
January 14, 2024 – Remember the Feeling
The lingering of my good curling shot last week is one feeling that I cannot let go of. I know that it was only a moment, but that very moment was the feeling of FLOW and “being in the zone.” I had such a busy work week and extended my time to meeting timelines and address perceived pressure and expectations. Luckily, I can say that I am satisfied with my performance from last week, I am not going to sweat the small stuff. Admittedly, my performance was not “perfect” and there is always room for improvement, I had moments of flow that I can be proud of. I’m focussed on that.
Part of being in the zone is having moments that honour my mental and physical health. I have always lived life living in “the hustle” but in 2024, I am very aware when life is getting away from me. For example, one day I did an (almost) an all-nighter and that night I went to bed at 6pm and slept for 14-hours. It made sense to me. It was like 2-sleeps in a row. LOL. I felt so rested that day and ended that day with a beading class at the art gallery. I just loved that. It filled my cup to bead, be with my kid, and be with my friend. I had to stay up late again to prep for my class, but it was Friday.
It’s not the best balance, but it’s getting better. That’s what matters. I am HAPPY. Saturday was amazing!! During the week I am so focused on brain-work, that having Saturdays that is focused on the tangibles balances me well. I can just BE. What I am also focused on is being myself. In doing so, I am honouring myself. I am respecting myself. I love myself. WOW. That was an unravelling, but this is how I feel. I’m not worried about the future or what other people think. I am happy to just do what I feel is right. I do get unsolicited validation and honestly, it’s unexpected and appreciated.
Hence the heart mug. I need to do the same for myself. On Saturday, I recycled, got the mail, spent time with my kid, food shopped, cleaned the fridge, and cooked dinner. Of course I am watching Hallmark movies throughout the day to end every 2-hour interval with a happy ending. Saturdays is an opportunity to rest, restore, and revitalize my joy for my life. How does this relate to teacher leadership? Be happy. I will get to that draft chapter writing, my CCV, and manuscript. Saturdays is about ME for me. I finally get it. ME-days are important to me and effective leadership. Yay!!