Serendipity:(noun)anaptitudeformakingdesirablediscoveries by accident.
Some days I go into a cognitive funk. I would catch myself in this mental rut and my brain just goes in circles. It’s those moments of regret, second guessing, and “what if” hypothesizing that gets me into this crazy head space. I feel lucky when I have moments that smack me on the head and gives me a shake. The wheel stops spinning and all of a sudden I realize that every decision I’ve made, every experience I’ve had, and every person I’ve met was meant to happen. Serendipity. I reflect upon some of the awesome opportunities I got to do this and last year in education and the wonderful people I’ve met. All of it would not have happened if I had not changed my story… changed my path. It’s easy to look back to realize that it all was meant to happen. Everything seems so clear. Looking forward is not so clear. Whatever is about to happen was meant to happen. Bring it on!
Written by Christine Ho Younghusband, April 09th, 2013 | Comments Off on Serendipity