Returning Back from Ahousaht – July 12, 2011

I am back from the 9-day canoe journey from Tofino to Port Alberni called PULLING TOGETHER 2011.  Three canoes out of 20 came from the Sunshine Coast from June 30th to July 8th.  About 300 people participated in this event as pullers or ground crew.  En route, we traveled to Ahousaht and other villages along the west coast of Vancouver Island.

The experience was phenomenal.  Although the experience differed from last year’s Pulling Together – The Salish Sea, I am grateful to be a part of the Journey and I believe that “it was meant to be.”  The 2011 Pulling Together Journey was an opportunity to reflect, contemplate, and share with others.  There was much teaching and learning.

The primary objective of Pulling Together is to build relationships between the RCMP and First Nations People.  This annual event also includes aboriginal youth and other service workers.  This unique opportunity is about building relationships, in general.

I feel so fortunate to be invited for a second year to be a part of the SD46 Canoe as a teacher and community member.  The canoe is a metaphor for leadership, learning communities, and cooperation.  I have met many wonderful people, I love the Sunshine Coast Pulling Together Family, and I learned the big life lesson, “What is, is.”

If you are interested in learning more about Pulling Together and the Sunshine Coast Canoe Families… check out our blog: