Sull, A., Younghusband, C. H., Whalen, C.A., & MacMillan, P.D. (2023). An instrument for measuring cultural adaption of schools to second generation students of Punjabi Sikh descent. Learning Environments Research – An International Journal. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Younghusband, C. H. & Bellwood, M. (2023). Creating Third Spaces in Teacher Education: An Autogenous Exploration. Canadian Journal of Action Research. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Younghusband, C. H., Johnston, S., Thielmann, G. (2023). Exploring Our Signature Pedagogy: People, Place, and Land. Re-imagining teacher education: From words to actions. World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education Journal, 4(1). Conference Proceedings. Manuscript submitted for publication.
2022 – Present (Co-Investigator): Implementation of climate education by UNBC Teacher Candidates: from theory to practice. University of Northern British Columbia. Prince George, BC. Principal Investigator: Hart Banack. Co-investigators: Lautensach, A., Younghusband, C. H., Litz, D., & Thielmann, G.
2021- Present (Co-Investigator): Growing innovation in rural sites of learning with BC’s Rural Education Advisory. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, BC. Principal Investigator: Leyton Schnellert. Funded by SSHRC Partnership Development Grant. Phase 2 with BCTEN (BC Teacher Education Network).
Affiliated Scholar at the Centre for the Study of Educational Leadership and Policy (CSELP) at SFU
I am honoured to be an affiliated scholar at CSELP to continue post-doctoral work as an educational researcher. I am currently working towards a study looking at “gradeless reporting” and how assessment helps deepen student learning and develop competencies. My research partner on this project is Dr. Daniel Laitsch and we will be working closely with a BC school district. We are in the early stages of this research project. I appreciate the opportunity to use research to leverage learning in our steps towards transformation in the implementation of BC’s New Curriculum. Updates on this project will be posted.
First Journal Publication
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, No.188 (2019)
British Columbia School Trustees’ Use of Research and Information Seeking in Decision Making
Dr. Daniel Laitsch, Simon Fraser University
Dr. Christine Ho Younghusband, Simon Fraser University
WestCAST 2019 at the University of Calgary
– Paper Presentation
Title of Paper:
Side-by-Side Learning: Teacher Candidates Triads Transforming Practice Through Peer Assessment During Field Experience
Co-Authors and Co-Presenters:
Deborah Koehn, University of Northern British Columbia
Dr. Christine Ho Younghusband, University of Northern British Columbia
WestCast 2019 _ Side-by-Side Learning
WestCAST 2020 at the University of British Columbia
– Paper Presentation
Title of Paper:
People, Place, and Land: Finding a Sense of Belonging Through Shared Learning
Co-Authors and Co-Presenters:
Deborah Koehn, University of Northern British Columbia
Tim Sailor, University of Northern British Columbia
Dr. Christine Ho Younghusband, University of Northern British Columbia
WestCast 2020 _ People, Place, and Land
Trustee Study
School Trustee Information Sources and Research
I am working with Dr. Daniel Laitsch on a research study as a research assistant looking at information sources British Columbia (BC) school trustees access to inform their decision making. The survey instrument used was implemented in the United States (Early & Galluzzo, 2015) but adapted for the BC context. We have pilot tested the survey instrument, collected data, and completed the survey analysis. The study was presented as a poster at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2016 Annual Conference, as a workshop at the Canadian School Board Association (CSBA) 2016 Congress, and pecha kucha at Learning Forward Conference 2016 Annual Conference in Vancouver. The final paper will be presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE) 2018 in Honolulu.
Doctoral Study – Doctor of Education – August 2017
SFU Faculty of Education in Educational Leadership
My dissertation titled “The Professional Learning Experiences of Non-Mathematics Subject Specialist Teachers – A Descriptive Study” focused on what professional learning activities Non-Mathematics Subject Specialist Teachers (NMSSTs) participated in to gain subject matter content knowledge in mathematics in British Columbia schools.
Certified teachers in British Columbia (BC) schools can be assigned to teach secondary mathematics without having a major, minor, or formal background in mathematics. This is known as out-of-field teaching. These non-mathematics subject specialist teachers (NMSSTs) must learn or relearn the subject matter of mathematics to teach secondary mathematics. This study investigates what professional learning activities NMSSTs participate in to gain subject matter content knowledge in mathematics, which activities these teachers believed best facilitated the acquisition of subject matter, and which they believed helped them to teach secondary mathematics better. This was a descriptive study using survey methods. Sixteen professional learning activities were considered. The survey questionnaire was distributed and completed online. Sixty-two NMSSTs completed the survey in full. Most learned the subject matter autodidactically from teaching secondary mathematics, referring to textbooks, or going online. However, formal learning activities such as completing a graduate degree in mathematics or a mathematics-related field best facilitated the acquisition of the subject matter and helped in teaching mathematics better. Other findings include the following: learning from an expert in the field was highly valued; professional learning days were not highly valued but frequently participated-in; the perceived level of subject matter content knowledge of those who completed a graduate degree and those who did not were the same; the NMSST characteristic of perceived level of subject matter content knowledge did not influence participants in this study to self-identify as mathematics subject specialists. Recommendations for practitioners included not learning the subject matter in isolation and to find a mentor. Recommendations for school leaders were to redesign professional development days and to consider purposeful teaching assignments. Recommendations for future research were to develop a self-assessment tool and to implement a study on subject matter acquisition of NMSSTs in a master of mathematics education program. Recommendations for policy-makers included providing alternative professional development opportunities for teachers and setting standards for NMSSTs to help them self-assess their subject matter content knowledge in mathematics.
content knowledge; out-of-field teaching; professional learning; experiential learning; self-directed learning; subject matter
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