My Bubble Has Broken
I can’t believe that my bubble has broken. I liked living in my bubble. The world was bright. Life was about integrity, honesty, and trust. This gave me the courage to take risks and learn something new. Don’t get me wrong, I still have faith in others. That is a relief. I remain hopeful. That’s also a good thing. My bubble burst when I realized that I know a bit too much and I have to make sense of it. I don’t have all of the information, but I know enough to make me feel sick. My heart is heavy. Even with all this information, not everything that needs to be said is said. As a result, my world does not look as bright. Today is a new beginning. I’m looking forward to the future… bubble-free.
Sometimes we are comfortable in the bubble, aren’t we… similar to being comfortable in the forest without seeing what is beyond the trees. There is a lot of space outside that bubble.