I am a leader and lead from where I am. My interests include practice and policy, professional learning, mentorship, culture and mathematics, formative assessment practices, and subject matter acquisition. In K-12, I was a teacher leader as the professional development school representative, mathematics department head, and staff representative. I served as school trustee for 2-terms, and BCSTA director for 3 one-year terms. I remain connected to BC education as one of the co-moderators of #BCEdChat on Twitter, Practicum Mentor/Evaluator, and B.Ed. Coordinator at the UNBC Teacher Education Program. I am proud of the work I’ve done with the B.Ed. and M.Ed. Redesign Committees at UNBC, Math K-9 Curriculum, and FNESC Math Teacher Resource and Math Competencies with Open Schools BC. Currently, I am a Faculty Senator at UNBC and serve on various committees at UNBC such at the President’s Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, the Office of Indigenous Initiatives Pedagogy Committee, and the UNBC Pedagogy Visioning Committee.