Fills My Cup
Day 23 (of 187) – October 4, 2018
I only have GRATITUDE today. I feel so lucky to know that I have people in my life who help me RISE. From an early morning phone call… to another morning meeting call… to an online F2F call… to an AWESOME class… to getting a cookie… to completing some paperwork… to buying some books FOR ME at the bookstore… to dropping into a class… to dropping into another class… to a chat in the hallway… to a Twitter DM… another DM… a hello in my office… a text message… a SnapChat… to another chat in the hallway, in the staffroom, at my office… to an afternoon F2F meeting… to another office hello… to cleaning my office… to receiving and sending emails… to a 30 minute #bcedchat… to making myself a big plate a spaghetti for dinner… and now drinking this cup of coffee.
OK. I did not intend to recite all of the things I’ve done today… but it’s my way to convey that it’s all the LITTLE THINGS that made a difference to me… to LIFT me up… and remind me of the joy of what I do. I am also filled with so much GRATITUDE for all of those who are in my life. I am so thankful. How appropriate as we approach THANKSGIVING WEEKEND. Nothing is perfect and I am so glad to have those who are able to reframe a situation, give me a smile, or just be there for me just because. What I love about this is that the feeling is mutual. RIGHT BACK AT TO YOU ALL. The highlight of my day was the teaching and learning during my class and in other people’s classes on THE FLOOR at UNBC. We are doing great stuff and I can only get super excited for our students and their students. Today was a good day. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!