Face-to-Face Campaigning
The last 5 weeks have been an interesting journey… municipal or school trustee campaigning, I mean. Only 8 more days to ELECTION DAY on November 19th. If anything, VOTE.
While balancing my family, tutoring, writing, and campaigning, I have learned so much about the political process with great hopes of serving, representing, and acting as an educational liaison for residents of the District of Sechelt as one of the SD46 School Trustees in 2011-2013. My campaign is modest, but hopefully effective. I have used social media, campaign signs, and hand-distributed flyers to make it known to members of my community that I am running. Tonight, I will be face-to-face campaigning with community members at the local high school.
There are two events happening tonight… I was invited to attend a Restorative Justice presentation at the Chatelech Secondary Theatre at 3:30 pm and to an All-Candidates Meeting for Mayor and Council at 6:30 pm. Because there are so many candidates running for mayor and council in the Sechelt Area, Sechelt School Trustee delegates will not be in the All-Candidates Meeting, but will have the opportunity to mix-and-mingle in the foyer. For Sechelt School Trustee Candidates, there is only one formal All-Candidates Meeting for all SD46 School Trustee Candidates sponsored by the Coast Reporter and televised on Coast Cable held on November 14th, 7pm at the Seaside Centre.
It is opportunities like these where candidates are able to publicly discuss and share their political platform and intentions. I hope that I will be able to effectively share my educational beliefs and desires during the All-Candidates Meeting on November 14th so that residents of Sechelt understand my platform of STUDENT LEARNING, Learning Communities, and Safe Learning Environments. I am passionate about education, student achievement, and quality programming to ensure that the students of School District No.46 (Sunshine Coast) have memorable and worthwhile learning experiences and opportunities. THANK YOU to all those who support my 2011 campaign.