Endless Potential

Davis Bay, Sunshine Coast

What do you see when you look at this picture?  Do you see the ocean?  the clouds?  the island?  Personally, I see the light.  The light makes me hopeful.  I often wonder… what’s beyond the horizon?  Sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me and I try to imagine what could be over there.  Is it more water? a tropical island? a shopping mall?  At this point in time, I don’t know.  The only way I can know is to go there.  But, I can’t.  When I’m stuck on old ideas… old beliefs… old ways of being… I’m anchored to the same spot.  Nothing changes.  Things may change around me, but so what?  I cannot realize what’s beyond the horizon until I let go… take risks… and trust that things will be OK.  Any fear, self-doubt, or uncertainty I have will hold me back.  Letting go requires releasing what is to embrace what could be.  Today, I’m letting go.  I’m a little excited and a little scared… but it feels good.  Letting go is the right thing to do.  I’ll let you know what’s beyond the horizon… soon.  There is endless potential.