Do you want to think out of the box in education? Think about e-portfolios. I am such a huge advocate for formative assessment and Assessment for Learning (AFL) practices in the classroom as an effective means to help students learn about their learning. Yet, the reporting process seemed incongruent to what is achieved with AFL. At the end of the term, formative feedback is reduced to a final letter grade or percent. It’s a tough connection, but as teachers, we are required to report out on student achievement with a number, a letter, and a short comment. At the BC Superintendents’ Association (BCSSA) Fall Conference 2013, I attended an awesome workshop by teachers from SD71 on e-portfolios. It was a wonderful presentation for many reasons. First, these teachers felt the same inconguency as I did with AFL and reporting. Second, these teachers mutally agree that 3-4 report cards and an interim report is not good enough to report student learning for both students and parents. Third, these teachers under the leadership of the school district’s Director of Instruction are stepping out the box to explore the possibilities of e-portfolios as learners and professionals. Finally, these teachers shared their stories of their students’ learning stories with delegates of the BCSSA Fall Conference. Photos, pictures, quotes, anecdotal comments, ongoing reporting, QR codes, technology, parent engagement, and student pride… the possibilities seem endless. Thank you teachers from SD71 for taking a bold step forward with assessment and reporting. To me, e-portofolios is the LAST CHAPTER of AFL. All stakeholders are re-invested. #closure #makessense