Deja Vu

Life’s lessons… you cannot make them up… they just happen.  There is “something” to be learned by each lesson.  Failure to learn that “something” will result in deja vu.  It just happens again.  Water through the light fixtures… The last time this happened was on Christmas eve a handful of years ago.  My daughter and I were “camping” in the TV room that night… and all I could hear was… Drip.  Drip.  Drip.  Sure enough our toilet upstairs had a slow leak and whoosh our kitchen downstairs was soon flooded.  Nothing says “Ho, ho, ho”… like potential water damage.  This time, our washing machine opted to malfunction and create an indoor waterfall… and all I could hear was…  Splat.  Splat.  Splat.  Yup.  The kitchen was flooded once again.  Serves me right for doing housework.  Lesson learned.  But really… what I am suppose to learn?  Is it patience?  Resilience?  Grit?  In the end, I remained calm and I am oozing with gratitude. #yayforexpertise #notalone