Cleaning Out My Closet
My house is a complete mess (well, at least the top floor). I am overwhelmed with all the “things” I have accrued over the years and have been inspired to go through my closets, shelves, and any storage spaces to get rid of stuff I no longer use or need. This is not an easy task. Apparently, I am somewhat attached to some of these “things” that I have not used or seen in years. Why is this? I pick up an item and I can remember when I bought it, why I bought it, and about how much it cost. Then, I look at my closet and get totally obsessed with losing 30 lbs in hopes of fitting clothes I wore 5 years ago. I was so close to pressing OK on the Weight Watchers Online website. Weight Watchers… again… successful twice, but thrice? Is it really success when you have to keep returning to WW to lose weight? I don’t think so. In the end, what started as a ‘purge the clutter’ process has evolved into a ‘spiritual cleansing’ process. Just let it go. I am questioning my wishful thinking of what could be, when I should be celebrating what is. Life is full of shoulds. I should vacuum the floor. I should eat fruit and vegetables. I should take the dog out for a walk. Blah, blah, blah. I get overwhelmed with the shoulds that cleaning out my closet does not seem like a daunting task… but it is. Ugh. I don’t like looking at my size 8 pants thinking to myself that those were good times… and, will they ever come back again. The pain. The anguish. I need is Stacey and Clinton from TLC’s What Not to Wear to come fly to Sechelt from New York City and help me out. I need a complete $5000 clothing intervention. What’s my size? What’s age appropriate? What style looks best on my body type? My inquiring mind wants to know. I just hope that I’m not the only one out there who struggles with this. Here’s a clue. The only reason I am blogging is to take a break from the purging process (aka. classic avoidance). That was 30 minutes of ranting and no progress with my closet. Maybe I will have a bowl of ice cream before I look at another piece of clothing. Mmm… ice cream.