How do you define yourself? I have spent many years trying to be someone else, doing what I’m suppose to do, worried about what others thought of me. For many years I defined myself as a secondary mathematics teacher. Within my teaching career, I wanted to be known as an educational leader. I took on roles of mathematics department head, staff representative, professional development school representative, and executive committee member of the local teachers’ union. At one point in time, I wanted to define myself as a curler. I curled on competitive curling teams, bonspieled, and played in several regional playdowns. Took a leap of faith, left teaching, and pursued doctoral studies in educational leadership, started a consulting business, and returned back to the school district as a school trustee. What are all these titles about? Oh wait a minute, that’s what they are… titles. Titles do not define me. Why am I worried about people reading my blog? Why am I self-conscious about what I wear and how I look? At first, this blog was titled “Younghusband Consulting Edu-blog.” I believed that this was a new identity for me since leaving teaching but felt controversial since I entered into local politics. So, I changed the name to “YH’s Edu-blog.” YH is a pet-name given to me by one of my Math 12 students almost a decade ago that seemed to stick. I thought the name seemed more edu-friendly. Once again, over thinking about what others think. What do I really want? “If I could do anything in my life, what would that be?” My kid just asked me that tonight before going to bed. Good question. More than five years ago when I returned back to work from maternity leave, I had a vision. I saw myself speaking in front of a huge audience, wearing a suit, and walking on stage after a complimentary introduction. The audience applauds and I was stoked. What was I talking about? Who was I talking to? Who knows. What I do know is, life is good but not sure if I’m heading in a direction to achieve my vision. So there it is… it’s time to CELEBRATE SELF and feel good. I am not defined by what I do but by who I am. It begins here. I have renamed my blog (sorry Bob) to “Christine Younghusband’s Edu-Blog.” This is my pedagogical journey. It’s mine to define.
Written by Christine Ho Younghusband, March 12th, 2012 | Comments Off on Celebrate Self