Mini Blogs #IMMOOC

This week’s blog challenge for #IMMOOC is to write 3 mini-blogs of 250 words or less. It’s an opportunity to make our edu-thoughts succinct, but also invite the reader to your edu-thoughts with short responses. I am ready for the challenge but I have enclosed all 3 mini-blogs into ONE BIG BLOG. Why? I’m wary about posting 3 blogs this week in addition to my #EDUC471D100 weekly entry and moments of edu-inspiration. The frequency of my posts may deter those from reading my blog, but also how my do ME do people need? Really? It’s a lot of ME. Clearly I am overthinking this and well… that happens (for me) and I am self-conscious about it, but I’m going to do it this way… so here are my 3 mini-blog #IMMOOC responses below. Thanks for reading this blog’s preamble.


Do I know and build upon the strengths of those I serve?

I am stuck on the word “know.” I don’t actually know the strengths of those I serve, in the absolute. I learn about that they perceive as their strengths and build upon them by making connections to what they perceive as something they are not good at or don’t know about. I like to believe that I serve as a guide rather than someone who “knows” how to build strengths in others. I serve many types of people in the roles I play and how I like to build upon people’s strengths is building their sense of efficacy and self-confidence by reframing and redefining what they believe is true. My lens is focussed on what people can do and where they can go (if they like to). The deficit model does not work, nor does it build one’s sense of efficacy. My job is to remove barriers and lift others.

For example, I just did it. I was tutoring a student. 20 minutes into our session, I met his learning needs and we could have moved forward to complete the hour, but instead I acknowledged that he was feeling good about what we had learned and he was anticipating possible questions he may have (currently undetermined) for his upcoming unit test this week. Instead of feeling pressured to complete our session, I said “come back in a few days when you have figured out what questions you have in preparation for your unit test and we can resume our tutoring session then.” I like to put the student in the driver seat and I am the one who can facilitate and support his learning.


How do we share openly and regularly to further our own learning and development?

Blogging. For me, blogging helps me to reflect and look at my learning with a critical eye. It’s open for feedback, but also it helps me to make my aha-moments explicit. Blogging is public, so I feel that whatever I post/publish, it is something that I am celebrating (or deliberating) that is worthwhile to share but also something that I am committed to. When I teach my classes, my mantra is: THERE ARE NO SECRETS. While this is in the context of formative assessment, I feel that blogging (and Tweeting as well on Twitter) are awesome ways to connect with myself and others that is purposeful and meaningful.

As a compliment to reflection via blog and social media would be the idea of experimentation and trying out new ideas in your classroom or in your professional practice. The reflection is based on “something” and it comes from our experience. What I like to do is to try something “out of the box” with hopes of benefiting student learning. Try it a few times. Identify your mistakes and tweak it along the way. Learn from your mistakes. Listen to feedback. Take more risks and learning together with your students/learners. Co-create the outcome and then share. I love the process of learning and its IMPERFECTNESS. This is what learning in schools (and in our lives) is all about. It’s not about dwelling on failure but celebrating our courage to get back up again.


Do our professional learning opportunities mirror the learning we want to create for our students?

Truthfully… NO. It seems that many of the professional learning opportunities I participate in involve THE BIG HEAD… meaning, someone is telling me something. It’s not a learning opportunity where I am connecting with others (even though I may be doing that before or after the scheduled event) and sense-making with others to establish a shared (and deep) understanding of the subject matter. I had opportunities to learn outside from my friend and colleague (as she posts these learning opportunities on Twitter), but I have not been able to attend them due to time conflicts. My intention is to go one day… I would like to engage in professional learning that is experiential and dialogical with a learning community that is willing to push the envelope and ask the tough questions. I have not experienced this yet to its fullest capacity or vision… but I hope to soon.

I have participated in EdCamp several times. I like the organic nature of this professional learning opportunity. It’s professional development that comes from the grassroots of the practitioner in the company of other practitioners. The day is created from the input and contributions of those attending EdCamp, but also facilitated by those who are interested or passionate about the particular topics posed. Like minded people collect with other like minded people and authentic discussions may ensue. EdCamp is the closest professional learning opportunity to what I hope for. It’s missing the experiential aspect of immersing ourselves in the subject matter, but I do appreciate the dialogue and it’s learner-driven.

#IMMOOC Session 3, Episode 5 with Dwight Carter

Getting Our Groove

Week 7 – EDUC471D100 – October 20, 2017

Guess which one is me? Nice pictures. Another “drawing” warm-up activity for EDUC471. This week the rationale or learning intention was different from the last. This time we were randomly assigned partners in the class and our objective was to draw one another. Yeesh. There is a reason why I become a math teacher versus an art teacher. Anyway, it reminds me of the Wild Card activity about the right and left brain. I have preferences.

We did not find out the learning objective of the activity until the very end. It was so fascinating to be an observer. I was listening to the class during the activity. There was my favourite classroom HUM where we are talking to each other… and then, it got really quiet. I was a little spooked by it. The activity intended for us to get to know someone else in the classroom a little bit better. We tend to sit in the same spots in the room and I realized that the talking was the “getting to know you” better. I wanted to get to know my partner a little bit more before drawing her. We took a selfie to compare. See below.

This week’s class was about grading and how that influences curriculum, curriculum development, and curriculum implementation. Grading has it’s limitations, even though it serves a system purpose. This is a topic I am passionate about. My students picked up this vibe, I’m sure, during the class. This is why I am so grateful and I am a huge advocate for BC’s New Curriculum. With an emphasis on a competency-based curriculum, more flexibility can be applied to personalize learning and engage in inquiry. Its an opportunity to give students choice and empower them in their learning and what they are learning about. Here are my responses to the journal reflection questions.

Journal Reflection Questions – Grading & Curriculum

What are your thoughts on grades and report cards?

I’m not a big fan. I understand that we have been brought up with and have been accustomed to grading and the accumulation of grades but a letter or a number cannot describe student learning to the student, parent, or other teachers. What does an “A” represent? What can a student learn from getting an “A”? Do all A’s mean the same in every class? I wonder about that but also wonder about how the grading process hinders student learning and possibly minimizes the potential of any given curriculum. How can we escape the rituals of grading and focus more on student learning?

What would communicating student learning look like?

I love the idea of ongoing formative assessment and using technology to achieve this. Although I have not used FreshGrade as a K-12 educator, I love the premise behind it. The teacher, student, and parent can all be engaged with the DIALOGUE of student learning. It would be an app on my phone where I would get notifications (as a parent) and be able to respond to or comment on my daughter’s learning/progress/achievement. I can ask questions to the teacher. It would be like Facebook but even better. It’s an opportunity for my daughter to celebrate her learning and be in charge of choosing exemplars that best depicts her learning. The teacher would share their expertise and provide formative feedback or commentary that supports student learning. I like the immediacy and it could possibly eliminate the parent/teacher meeting or how it’s constructed. I like the student in control and all 3 of us working as a team.

What do students, teachers, and parents need to know about student learning as it relates to curriculum?

I would love to see PROGRESS over time. Where did my daughter start, where is she going, how is she doing, and how can she get to where she is going? I would love to know about my daughter’s strengths and how she uses them in different subject areas or in her learning. I would love to know more about my daughter as a person… and how this reflects the core (and curricular) competencies. I would love to see student self-reflection and how she sees herself as a learner. Is she meeting expectations? If so how? Where can she improve? What strategies can she implement? In the end, I would love the opportunity to witness/observe the before and after with exemplars of her work.

What is the difference between student learning and student achievement? Which is more important?

What a loaded question. Thank you. I made it myself. Well… student learning is about the process and student achievement is about the end point or end of the learning process. Based on the way that school systems are constructed and accustomed to, it is highly likely perceived that student achievement is important… to get promoted to the next grade or get into post-secondary education. But I wonder about the “efficiency” of education. I have had students in my math class before who could “study” to get an “A” in my class and have no understanding of the course content. This is alarming and I was a part of that teaching and learning process. I do hope that we can shift our value towards student learning and our growth is ongoing and unlimited. It’s more about learning about our learning, or metacognition, and developing the competencies via course content that will help all learners thrive in an area of passion and interest. This is where BC’s New Curriculum has potential and I hope that K-12 educators can embrace this opportunity.


What a strange week… it’s unlike me to post my reflection the night before my class… while having to catch the ferry in only a few hours. Although I would like to see a full-attendance in my class, I understand that it’s the time for illness, major assignments, and well LIFE. That said, we are getting our groove in this course. I felt compelled during the class to RANT, a bit… I was so triggered during the week about assessment & evaluation and how that affects student learning, but also curriculum and how it’s delivered and received. Assessment & evaluation need to be aligned with curriculum.

I’m hoping that my students feel that way about this class, how they are assessed, and what they are learning. It can seem almost vague, confusing, and messy at times… and it’s suppose to be. I find it curious when everything that we learn or experience is predicable and portable. How can learning fit exactly into a rubric or letter grade? And how can I endorse personalized learning if I had a final exam at the end of the course? It seems challenging to me and I want my students to experience choice, investigate an area of interest, and be the teacher and learner. I believe they are one.

I was pretty happy with the reading summaries, wildcard activity, and closing activity. Students were activated in their learning and I LOVE how they learn with and from each other. The wildcard activity spooked me out a bit because it was one of those psychology games where we had to imagine being in a maze. After answer a few prompts, I learned that my problems are HUGE and INFINITE… and I how I approach my problems is by looking at them. That said, I did learn that the most important person in my life is my daughter. That was a good thing. The class ended with a fun (math like) game where probability and MORE psychology was required. There were PRIZES… ah yes, back to the goods external. Nothing wrong with prizes as long as it’s not bonus marks. LOL.


The Learner First #IMMOOC

Week 4 – IMMOOC – Chapters 6 & 7 – with Patrick Larkin

I really enjoyed the YouTube chat (as seen below). Focus on the learner was my biggest take-away. I agree with relationships. In fact, I think it’s a given (although they could be better from time to time). What I loved about this chat is the idea that we need to focus on student learning… the student could be the students… or the teacher… or whomever. What are their needs and how can be empower them? I was struck by comparing ENGAGEMENT VS. EMPOWERMENT and thinking about myself as the learner.

I am “engaged” with IMMOOC as learner, but not “empowered” (until I did my video on this question on Twitter). I never wanted to post a video of myself on Twitter… or anywhere. I am an extrovert and I post a lot on Twitter… but retweeting, posting, or replying to others is a level of engagement. I always admired those who were able to put their BIG HEAD on Periscope or other apps on Twitter (or Facebook) to talk about your thoughts. I did not have the courage or the grit to engage in such an activity (until IMMOOC and our last Twitter chat). I felt encouraged to JUST DO IT… and so I did.

I said to be engaged is to be a KNOWLEDGE CONSUMER and to be empowered is to be a KNOWLEDGE CONTRIBUTOR. What I mean by that directly connected to what Patrick Larkin was saying. Students (or the learner) needs to have a voice in what they are learning and an opportunity to influence and contribute to the system as a whole. I love how there was a rant about having student forums, listening to students, and patting ourselves on the back. I totally agree. THEN WHAT? We need to do something with that information. I loved the computer example of choosing iPads and the entire conversation about designing schools, our classroom, and shall I say the system that caters to our students (of the time) to best meet their learning needs and they have a SAY.

I am passionate about this as an educator, a parent, but also a school trustee. Our policies need to reflect student learning. All that we do regardless of what role with play in the education system must be in the best interest of the learner. I loved how it was mentioned in the YouTube chat that it might be uncomfortable for the teacher or facilitator, but that’s OK. Get over it. I also like that the conversation took the teacher as learner too. We need to reassess our practice, our leadership, and our system to know if we are working in the best interest of the learner and if the learn has influential input to decision making and their learning. I was inspired by this week’s IMMOOC chat.

IMMOOC Reflection Question

Is modelling your learning something that is important to innovation?  What do you do to model your own learning through your practice?

YES. I can give you an example. Currently I teach as a sessional instructor at the university. I was teaching a course called EDUC 454 (Quantitative Approaches to Environmental Education) this summer session. I am new to teaching at the university, my background is high school math educator, and my doctorate is in educational leadership. Nowhere in my CV does it mention environmental education. I won this position because it was a Q-course or Quantitative Course, which entails MATH.

Environmental Education was NOT in my wheelhouse, but I wanted to teach the course to it’s fullest while incorporating the ideals of BC’s New Curriculum like personalized learning, indigenous education, and competency-based learning. I had a choice. “Pretend” to be the expert in environmental education OR “be the learner.” I opted for the latter. So, when I designed the course, I asked students to engage in collaborative project based learning, present their learning as an IGNITE presentation, and participate in inquiry based learning with an inquiry project. We went outside to learn EVERYDAY. I facilitated learning at first, but as the course progressed, the students were the learners and the teachers.

I was learning from my students and their interests and expertise as it connected to environmental education and quantitative approaches. I set the framework and expectations as the teacher, but my students became the experts. They engaged in the possibilities of environmental education in high school classrooms as pre-service teachers and embarked in the process of experiential learning… collaboratively and cooperatively. We were all in it TOGETHER. Moreover, I participated in my own inquiry project to learn more about inquiry (with them) and presented an IGNITE presentation too. I modelled what I wanted to see… as a learner and teacher. It’s key to show that taking risks is NORMAL… if not expected. And learning requires mistakes and figuring out what you would do next time. It was the BEST teaching and learning experience I ever had.

#IMMOOC Season 3 – Episode 4 – with Patrick Larkin

I Got An “A”

Week 6 – EDUC471D100 – October 13, 2017

Yes… this course is about curriculum development and this week we discussed formative assessment and Assessment for Learning (AFL). As you can see, I tend to lean on the “practice” aspects of this course versus “theory.” That said, formative assessment is a key component to BC’s New Curriculum and I believe it’s future success. Formative assessment is helping students learn about their learning with immediate feedback. Formative feedback can come from the teacher, peers, or self. Deliberate practice depends on repetition but also immediate feedback with the intention to improve.

Differentiating between formative and summative feedback is difficult. Even practitioners are challenged by what is formative and summative assessment. In some circumstances, assessment that was summative can be formative, but it would have to be made into an opportunity of learning versus judgement. We had excellent in-class discussions trying to understand what formative assessment is and how it relates to curriculum (or it’s implementation). With BC’s New Curriculum, formative assessment is essential to help students to personalize learning, develop competencies, and differentiate learning.

I am passionate about assessment and how it influences student learning but also how curriculum is implemented. Although formative assessment was an integral part to the development of BC’s New Curriculum, those who continue to assess in ways that they did 10-15 years ago where learning equated to the accruing of marks and grades, the transformation of the BC’s Curriculum would be non-existent, misunderstood, or poorly implemented. This is scary considering that we as practitioners and students need to have a clear understanding of formative and summative assessment and how each affects student learning. Here are my responses to the journal questions:

Journal Reflection Questions – Formative Assessment

What is the difference between formative and summative assessment? Give examples.

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT forms and informs learning… for the teacher and student. It helps the student get to the next stage of being. It is ongoing and immediate. There is no judgment and it’s not worth marks. In essence, it’s figuring out where the student is, where he/she needs to go, and how will he/she get there. The feedback should help the student understand what steps or strategies he/she needs to take to get better.

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT indicates the end of the learning process. The conversation is one way and based on teacher judgement. Often it is indicated with a letter grade, percent, or score, but it can also be a comment like “good work” or “well done.” Summative assessment does not help the student get to the next stage of learning but rather tells them where they are and how they performed as student achievement.

How does formative assessment contribute to student achievement and life-long learning?

Because formative assessment is ongoing with the intent of helping student learn, but also helping the expert or teacher to determine how they will help the student learn… this feedback can only help students learn more about their learning and about what they are learning… student achievement can only improve with that mindset. Learning about your learning or METACOGNITION is key to lifelong learning. It helps the learner to be reflective but also vulnerable to receive feedback from others so that they can learn.

How does formative assessment connect with strength based learning and BC’s New Curriculum?

Formative assessment can help students understand their strengths because students would be more cognizant of their learning versus trying to get the right answer. Tests and other forms of summative assessments have a narrow view on what is worthwhile to assess and evaluate. Skills such as collaboration, creativity, or communication is difficult to assess, provide feedback on, or develop with a multiple choice test. Formative feedback (and possibly co-created rubrics) can help students hone their strengths and build confidence so that they can address other areas of their learning they may struggle with. This entails learning about one’s learning in the context of different curricular areas.


We have turned a corner in this course. After 6 weeks, we have achieved the notion of collective efficacy as a learning community, we established trust, and we are picking up momentum. Why do I say that? I have the utmost respect for early adopters. They set the stage for the rest of the class. The are the first to received feedback from the teacher… and EVERYONE IS WATCHING. That takes a lot of courage and I say kudos to those who created a baseline for our class activities. They were good before, but now they are getting better. Students are more willing to take risks. They are more creative and they have embraced the idea of personalized learning and choice.

Student agency was the theme for this week… and once again, I could not have planned it any better. I say that but truly, I had no idea. I create the framework for my students and my students are asked to run with it with various student led activities. This week’s class started with a warm-up activity of drawing. We were asked to draw or doodle two images. She concluded the activity with her why, which was doodling helps her think and learn. She supported her claims with research. I was so impressed because she mentioned this to me on Week 1 and I was not convinced. She made her point. The warm-up activity was followed up with the oral presentations of the assigned reading and student derived questions were posted on the board for small group discussions.

The class concludes with two more activities… The TBA Activity and Wild Card Activity. I put TBA before the Wild Card on my PowerPoint, but the TBA student spoke up and requested to be at the end of class as the “closing activity.” Wow. “Yes, of course.” We switched the order. The Wild Card Activity is a collaborative effort. The two students created two presentations and had to choose one for the class. It was up to them which one they would present. They opted to present on right-brain/left-brain preferences. We did an online assessment and discussed the benefits of tests like these. It was an interesting discussion, activity, and presentation because they spoke about “strength-based learning” and so did I during class. Again, I could not have planned it any better.

Finally, the class concludes with the TBA Activity. YES!!! We go outside again (see picture above). The weather was great and I love going outside to learn (Thank you EDUC454D100). We were subdivided into groups of 6. In a circle, we grabbed hands of a person across from us but not beside you. The objective was to untangle yourselves and form a circle. It took my group a bit of time and “out of the box” thinking, but we did it. As each group made a circle, you’d hear cheering. It was a very fun and engaging activity. Then the student started to explain his why for the activity and what he had intended us to learn. It was so eloquent and succinct. I was so wowed with what he had to say.

This is a team building activity that focussed on communication, problem solving, and leadership. I loved how he said that we were all leaders in the problem solving process but how we lead is different. He goes on to say that because we all made a circle, we are all winners. Yes, I like that. Did this student meet my expectations? Yes he did!!! He got HIGH-FIVE from me… then he said, “I got an A.” This was so appropriate with today’s discussions about assessment. I said to the class (over and over again), meet my expectations and you will get an “A” in this course. There are no surprises. My job is to provide you with the formative feedback you need to help you succeed. Your job is to ask questions, take risks, and learn from your mistakes. I think they got it. Woohoo.

Behaviour Management

To see the light through the trees… this is one of my favourite images. It reminds me that even though you may feel that you’re lost in the woods, you can see light. I wished I could feel that way today. I am feeling burdened. Not too long ago, I wrote a blog on Pouring Gasoline #IMMOOC and what lights our fire. I said it was my students. Whether it be my doctorate, trusteeship, or teaching… I am always striving for System Change.

Maybe I am kidding myself. I’d like to believe that we are “in the change” in BC schools, but maybe this change is slower than I imagined. Sometimes I think we are going backwards. Today I learned that assessment was used to threaten kids, punish kids, and shame kids. What the hell??? Is that the purpose of assessment, particularly summative assessment practices… “this is how I’m going to teach kids”… to conform and comply? It’s NOT a behaviour management tool!!! It’s meant to help kids, not hurt/scare them.

I am not about to point fingers or shame people for hurting, if not hindering, students from their fullest potential. I am left with the sinking feeling that we are not all out there for students and supporting their learning so that they can be the best person they can be. Sometimes I feel that we squash them into these little beings who are just doing their best to get by (and get out of schools). What a disservice to students. Assessment is suppose to help students learn and help them to learn about their learning. The subject area is only a tool to help students learn. I don’t think the “collective we” gets it.

In my EDUC471D100 class this term, it took about 6 weeks for students to understand, internalize, and trust my assessment structure. MEET EXPECTATIONS and you get an “A.” There are no secrets. Ask questions to get clarification or feedback on anything. Student agency is the key. It’s my job to give students immediate formative feedback. It’s the student’s job to receive the information and try again (or not… it’s a choice). The only time the student may not meet expectations (aka. a grade less than an “A”) is when he/she does not ask a question, is not sure, and hands in his/her final assignment without any formative feedback. The student is not hiding from me, but from him/herself.

This is the pot calling the kettle black… meaning, at one time, I too used assessment as a behaviour modification tool (more than 20 years ago). When you know better, do better. Grades or marks are not meant to create a Pavlov dog scenario in classrooms such that it is used as a currency to promote and incentivize student learning. When we do that, you see the underdevelopment of the other side of the coin… the self-motivated, confident, autonomous learner. I also know this scenario all too well such that taking any risk-taking becomes “too risky” thus resulting in cognitive paralysis (aka. nothing gets done).

Sadly, this is not a blog of inspiration. No “aha’s” were uncovered. I am simply ranting. How does one create system change? Once again, GASOLINE POURED onto my fire.

Pouring Gasoline #IMMOOC

Week 3 – IMMOOC – Chapters 4 & 5 – with Tara Martin

What caught my attention with Tara Martin’s interview was POURING GASOLINE on her fire. What a visual!!! I would say “add fuel to my fire” but never pouring gasoline. That’s intense. She must have incredible mentors and supporters that encourage her to be a edu-trailblazer. Tara Martin was referring to people who believed in her. When I think about this metaphor… it was MY STUDENTS who poured gasoline on my fire. Their stories, their experiences, their learning and learning potential confirmed and validated my purpose in education. I also realize that my students are my biggest fans and supporters. I am truly grateful for that. My mentors, on the other hand, STOKE MY FIRE. My mentors and supporters bring to my awareness my strengths, my purpose, my fire.

Other aspects of Tara’s interview that provoked me and sparked my attention was (1) be a knowledge contributor not just a consumer; (2) take the leap and be a trailblazer (i.e. blogging), and (3) the edu-world is HUGE and you are one piece in the puzzle… you cannot create system change alone but you can create conditions for change. These points resonate with me because I now feel like a contributor with my doctoral thesis, but really it was a mechanism that organized my thoughts and views connecting literature and practice. I love the idea that you have to take a risk and keep doing it to get better at it. That’s the learning process. Finally, I had always believed that “I” could change the system but it takes all of us in the system to create change… so FIND YOUR PLACE.


What was one thing that you used to do in education that you no longer do or believe in? Why the change?

Grading… the accumulation of grades or marks… policing student behaviour with grades. For years as a student and my early years as a high school teacher, I collected many “marks” or scores to track student achievement… well, student doing. What I’m writing about today reminds me about what Alice Keeler had talked about last episode. Looking  back, it was busy-work… policing… and artificial or false approach to “measure” student learning. It’s a lie. I remember a student asking me in the middle of my class if I liked students. Whoa. BOLD, yet I’m grateful that this Grade 8 student felt safe enough to ask. It was so true… “collecting grades” was soul sucking… and truth, it was my best guess.

My professional intuition and expertise was much more accurate. Then I went to a provincial inservice conference/workshop on UDL, but I ended up talking to a teacher/faculty associate on ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING. We stayed connected during that year and he sent me various resources on AFL. It’s not everyday that you have a colleague/stranger question your professional practice and then help guide you through to a new place of being. I played and practiced with my Math 8-12 classes on AFL, which in turn helped me to focus on my learning and quality of my instruction. Things started to line-up so nicely such that learning was meaningful for me and my students. You know it’s a good thing when students have to remind you of the importance of AFL.

BC’s New Curriculum emphasizes the importance of AFL and formative assessment to student learning. I could not agree more. Now as a sessional instructor at the university, I try to implement the ideals of BC’s New Curriculum into my fourth year education classes, which includes formative assessment, personalized learning, and competencies. The shift is/was amazing. I continue to learn and I am completely aligned with Tara Martin when she says you have to get out there and try something… make mistakes… learn from those mistakes… get better at what you do… and share your learning. This makes sense to me. Although we are not the student in the system, we are still learners. I love making learning fun and meaningful for students, as seen in the photo above, regardless of age or course. Formative assessment and AFL helped me to achieve this. I am very thankful.

#IMMOOC Season 3 – Episode 3 with Tara Martin @TaraMartinEDU

Another Math Educator #IMMOOC

Week 2 – #IMMOOC – Chapters 1-3 – with Alice Keeler

What I absolutely loved about this week’s YouTube segment with Alice Keeler was that she is a mathematics educator, she directly connects research to her practice, and she is going out of her way to share her message. I just love it… “grades are crappy feedback”… “there is no average time to learn”… and “homework is a waste of time.” Can it get any better that that? I am so inspired by what she had to say. She is a high school math teacher and she is talking about no homework, the importance of relationships, and her love for spreadsheets. COLLECT THE DATA. She is a person after my own heart.

Here are some more amazing points Alice Keeler hits home with that I would like to mention: (1) use Google…. technology gives students choice… share learning digitally… it’s 2017; (2) ask students what percent of their time at school is “busy-work”… ranges from 65% to 80% (3) grading does not improve learning… grading has a 30% differential when different teachers mark the same thing… it’s not accurate. Wowza. Here, here!!!

The YouTube with Alice Keeler is a must watch. The link is attached below. You can see her enthusiasm, passion, and conviction. I started following her on Twitter @AliceKeeler and her energy is just the same. Let’s focus on student learning that is research based.


If you were to start a school from scratch, what would it look like?

Well… I chose this question to reflect on because I don’t know the answer. I certainly know of aspects of what it shouldn’t be. We need to get out of the industrial model of mass education. We are losing students. We talk about affective ways to improve student learning like formative feedback and mastery learning but I question if we are doing it. And when I mean WE, I mean a collective we. I just love the fact that Alice Keeler’s practice is guided by research. I also believe that students need a voice in the learning process as well. Hence, I’m reluctant to say what “I” would do if I were to start a school from scratch because that’s what WE have been doing for so many years.

I would love to have a collaborative approach with open spaces that are inclusive and safe places to learn and make mistakes. Culture is a huge component to schools as well. We are “guided” by policies but sometimes I wonder if we forget who we are serving and why. I love the 8 characteristics of the Innovator’s Mindset: empathetic, problem finders/solvers, risk takers, networked, observant, creators, resilient, and reflective. I would love to have a learning space where all of these characteristics are honoured, nourished, and expected from students, teachers, educational leaders, and parents.

Physical structures, policies, instructional and assessment practices, and school culture would be focused on student learning and be student centred. In this photo above, it’s a student leading my class. Technology is embedded. Students are engaged. My role as the teacher is to create the framework, the culture, and mindset so that students can thrive, take risks, and be creative to find their personal strengths and interests. I believe that we can do this now in our schools but I believe it’s a collective effort. Do we all share the same vision? Do we all believe that students are able? Are we all willing to change our practice (and make mistakes) to benefit student learning? I hope the answer is YES x 3.

Final note… I love that students have CHOICE in their learning… or as Alice would say, LOCUS OF CONTROL… that they feel invested in their learning and have a say. Students know and understand way more than what we believe they know and understand. Our job is to help, guide, and facilitate their learning with our expertise and experiences that will help them thrive and be autonomous learners. I love that essential question: “How doe we save Nelly?” That’s what learning is about… not just a set of facts to memorize.

#IMMOOC Season 3 – Episode 2 with Alice Keeler @AliceKeeler

Communication Competency

Week 5 – EDUC471D100 – October 6, 2017

I love how this course is evolving. The student-led warm up activity this week was one that exercised and emphasized the Communication Core Competency as described in BC’s New Curriculum. The class was subdivided into groups of 4. Each group is given a picture. The first person who has the picture has to describe what they see to the second person. The second person has to draw what they perceive is being described within a 2-minute time limit. Once complete, the second person describes their drawing to the third person of the group. Finally, the process is repeated once again from the third to the fourth.

The activity resembled the “telephone” activity where messages can be and likely to be revised when told from person to person. The same could be and would be true with this activity. To my surprise, the students did very well. It was not an easy activity and it really relied on communication skills, listening skills, and a wild imagination. I could see how this activity could be used in the English Language Arts courses in K-12 as students are learning descriptive words to depict what they see. You could also use this activity over time (i.e. September, December, April, and June) to see progress in the communication competency over time. It was a fun, engaging, and interactive activity. I would do this in a mathematics class to demonstrate the importance of communication in math.

Journal Reflection Questions – Personalized Learning

How does personalized learning and inclusive education connect to BC’s New Curriculum?

  • It’s about acknowledging each student and their strengths. It’s not about looking at homogenizing learners and grading them on how well they have conformed to the expected “learning outcome.” Personalized learning is about choice, interest, and exercising student agency within the framework of the course/subject area. This is not about creating 30 individualized curricula, but rather finding ways in which student can acquire and/or demonstrate their learning. This is where emphasizing curricular competencies and using content as the vehicle can create some flexibility for planning and personalized learning. Personalized learning acknowledges our differences.

How is your learning being personalized in this course?

  • Choice was offered for which participation activities students wished to facilitate. Choice was offered in what topic they wish to do their IGNITE presentation on, but it must relate to curriculum development and/or content highlighted in the course. Choice was offered for the final assignment.

How are inclusive practices being used in this course?

  • A safe learning environment is created. Student input and voice influences the direction of the course. Different opportunities for students to engage and participate. Tries to include and acknowledge all types of learners in class.

What are some possible benefits of personalized learning and inclusive education for student learning?

  • Students can exercise student agency and choice. Students learn more about their learning and what they are good at or interested in. Students feel like they are part of a learning community and we are able to celebrate our differences. We can achieve this within a common framework but can acknowledge our progress relative to ourselves and not others. Feedback would be personally relevant and applicable. All students would feel like their are part of the collective learning process. We are all learners (me included).

My Reflections

We are creating some momentum in this course. I am grateful for the early adopters for setting the stage for the rest of the class. This takes courage and I applaud them. With a solid foundation created by students, the student-led participation activities are getting better and better. I love that students create their own discussion questions from the readings. This week, many of the questions posed on personalized learning were somewhat similar, which I found interesting. There was some skepticism from the discussion. I would expect that when we as a collective of learners have been part of the 20th century learning model of achieving the same goal and being assessed that way. However, I am optimistic as I see topics of student choice as demonstrated in the Wild Card Activity. This week 2 students talked about the importance of drama (aka. action, student participation, or experiential learning) is valuable for students and the learning experience. We participated in an activity that involved math… from the 3 times tables to 7. With more time, we could have realized what the students were trying to convey.

I look forward to the upcoming weeks. We are approaching the halfway mark. I’m excited. We are moving towards assessment and evaluation and how that influences curriculum development and its implementation in context of BC’s New Curriculum.

Convocation 2017

Me, Dr. Daniel Laitsch, and Dr. Carey Chute

Finally… I cross the stage… oh wait a minute, I took a detour mid-stage and avoided shaking the hand of the SFU Alumni President. Could this be a metaphor? Like, I’m not done? A denial of the end? I had full intentions of crossing the stage… no, I didn’t. Another lie. I never visualized myself crossing the stage. I did see myself sitting with faculty after being hooded, hence the detour. I guess I should have read ALL of the instructions inside my folder. I read the hooding portion and that’s it. All I had to do was follow my friend and classmate Carey Chute but I must have lost sight of him. Do not fret. I did get my alumni pin and my sudden detour did not make the video of the convocation LIVE, so I’m good.

The day was such a whirlwind. I caught the first ferry with my husband, picked up my kid from Starbucks at Horseshoe Bay who was coming back from a concert from the night before, then we went for breakfast at Denny’s before heading to SFU. I had to teach that morning before convocation, so I set my family free to roam SFU campus. I taught from 9:30am to 1:00pm then went down the hall to the Academic Quadrangle to get my gown. I barely got past STEP ONE of getting ready, but thank goodness for the volunteers who helped all of us to get ready for convocation. I was so glad to graduate and spend the afternoon with my friend and classmate Carey Chute. He supported me throughout the dissertation process. I was the keeper of Flat Carey from Dr. Michelle Nilson’s Class from the summer, How to Complete your Dissertation. He kept me entertained all afternoon.

My favourite moment was captured in a screenshot sent to me from my friend who was watching my convocation LIVE at home (see below). Don’t get me wrong… I loved getting hooded (even though Dan hit me in the face during the process… and said sorry soon after). It was this moment when I realized that I’m his equal… his peer. Dr. Alice Christine Ho Younghusband, EdD. Now that’s a mouthful. I’ve wanted this my whole life. My dad remembers me as a kid writing my name out on paper with all “my letters.” Sadly, I realized in my mid-40’s that my dad snooped in my room during my teenage years. That aside, the letters after my name are: Dr. Christine Younghusband, BSc, BEd, MEd, EdD.

I am proud of my alma maters, the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University. Now at the end of this chapter and my dream realized, I never thought I could do it. I never thought that I would get through my first degree (I don’t think that my dad did either). I never thought that I could get into or afford my second degree (but I became a teacher). I never thought I would get into my masters program due to my reading and writing phobia (but I got in and stayed in). And, well… my doctoral journey took 9-years. Again, I did not think I would get into this program (but I was accepted twice because I declined my first acceptance) and I never thought that my dissertation would be completed (but I finished and finished well). I am happy with my research.

“You don’t embark in higher education with hopes of being the same person.” Thank you Dr. Daniel Laitsch, my senior supervisor, for affirming this and THANK YOU for your belief in me, your guidance, and your gentle approach. From beginning to end, I took a 180. I felt myself turning around during the dissertation process such that I believe that I could not have completed my dissertation had I stayed teaching math. This is the irony. My dissertation is all about teaching, learning, and improving the learning experience of students. Moreover, another reason for pursuing a degree in educational leadership was to learn more about leadership in the field of education. Not only did I find solace in my research, I found solace in this professional learning experience of pursuing a doctoral degree. My reading and writing phobia is no longer. I answered my research question, one that I had for more than 20 years. And, I understand more about leadership.

So, what’s next? I’ve blogged about this since my oral defence and I continue to blog about it now. Acknowledging that I am a different person, it is unrealistic to believe that I would return back to teaching secondary mathematics… even though that’s where my heart is. My experience as a secondary mathematics teacher informed my writing as a Masters student, a Doctoral student, and now academic/researcher. I continue to teach at the university and I LOVE IT. That is very clear to me. I love to teach. I love honing my craft. I love facilitating learning. My students make my profession so wonderful and I would love to continue this. So, I may not be teaching in the Grades 8-12 classroom, but I am teaching at the university and influencing those who may teach in a K-12 classroom. This is powerful. I would also like to continue my research, travel, and present.

In the short term, I have a tonne of things to do. I have another study to complete, a research poster to prepare, and a conference presentation to make. In the meantime, I am also applying for opportunities to teach at the university and finding funding to further my research. This is a learning curve that I’m enjoying but also find humbling. You don’t know what you can or cannot do unless you try. I was also thinking about writing a book on MATH STORIES and my friend also wants us to co-author a book too. This is something that I never thought was possible… but it might be. “Look for and take opportunities that come your way.” More words of wisdom from Dan. Yes, I do overthink and want to make things happen that may not be aligned to my direction. Sometimes you have to reach out to figure out if something is within your alignment or not. There are no mistakes, only learning. This is the greatest human experiment… and I’m loving it.

A Full Class

Week 4 – EDUC471D100 – September 29, 2017

I love this photo. We are delving into BC’s New Curriculum and what it entails. In this course, students have the opportunity to sign-up for various participation activities. One of those activities involves reading reflections. This week, two students were responsible for the oral presentation of the article and two of them were responsible for the written summary. In this photo, these students are writing on the board questions they have for themselves and the class to discuss regarding the article we read. I love this.

I also loved how the student-led warm-up activity took a shift from “getting to know you” to “getting to know you better” with team building and problem solving. Students were divided into groups of 5 and given a handful of straws and a metre of masking tape. The challenge was to build a the tallest free-standing structure they could within a given time frame with the materials they were given. Wow. I could not have designed or planned for this better. This activity best exemplified the development of the Core Competencies of THINKING and COMMUNICATION. I was so impressed with the activity and final products.

With the introduction to BC’s New Curriculum, the topic I wanted to focus on this week was the concept and policy of “The Educated Citizen.” The image below shows the main points of The Educated Citizen as seen in the Statement of Education Policy Order – Mandate of the School System of British Columbia (1989). BC’s New Curriculum (2016) and its development was focused on The Educated Citizen and how it can be achieved via the curriculum. It was believed that the curricula developed since the Education Policy Order (1989) did not satisfy the vision The Educated Citizen. Students were asked to reflect on what it means to be an educated citizen and if schools helped them to be one.

What does it mean to be an educated citizen?

For me, it’s the ability to think critically and creatively, to communicate with others effectively, and to find my passions, strengths, and interests. I feel that BC’s New Curriculum’s CORE COMPETENCIES help me to become an educated citizen.

In what ways have you met the criteria of BC’s Educated Citizen?

I feel as a 47-year old adult, I am an educated citizen. However, after my K-12 education experience, I am not certain if I satisfied all, if not some, of these bullets as seen above. I think I achieved the second and third last bullet… being productive and cooperative. I believed that I learned this from curling (aka. sport).

In what ways have you NOT met the criteria of BC’s Educated Citizen?

As an adult, I wished I was more consistent with “striving for physical well-being.” Going into that would be another blog entry, but I am left wondering where did I learn how to the rest of the bullets or did I learning it in K-12 and improved on it over time. I am curious what my students wrote in their journal reflections.

In what ways do you believe that BC’s New Curriculum will satisfy the characteristics of an Educated Citizen?

I mentioned this in my first response… I believe it will be the CORE COMPETENCIES. The curricular competencies feed into the Core Competencies and content serves as a vehicle to develop the competencies. Furthermore, student self-reflection, formative assessment, and Communicating Student Learning will compliment BC’s New Curriculum to help students to become metacognitive and understand their strengths, weakness, and appropriate learning adaptations to thrive in schools and beyond.

My Reflection:

My students remind me that students should be integral to their learning and leading their learning. They also remind me the power of the teacher as facilitator. The class spent much of their in class discussion on EDUCATION FOR ALL and what would the learning experiences look like for those with learning challenges if integrated with students how are university bound, for example. In essence, they were discussing and deliberating the idea of INCLUSIVE CLASSROOMS. Not only do these conversations inform me as to what we will be doing next class, but also it lined up to the Wildcard Activity chosen by the student this week. What did she present about? DIVERSITY. We discussed cultural diversity and cognitive diversity. I could not have planned that any better. I was so shocked how the student led activities, class content, and group discussions were interconnected. It seemed uncanny or serendipitous. Although it was not explicitly “planned” by me, the teacher, it was absolutely planned such that the topics and conversations about education, curriculum, and learning are natural fits. Too cool!