Being Appreciated – April 9, 2011

Teaching is a funny profession.  It’s the little things that keep teachers motivated.  Merit pay will not motivate teachers to do a better job.  Money is not a primary motivator.  Building relationships, being a role model, or helping students learn are all good reasons why someone teaches.  Personally, one of my biggest motivators was BEING APPRECIATED.  Appreciation would vary from a thank you to a smile or a compliment.  When I felt appreciated, I wanted to do more.  When I felt used or taken advantaged of, I wanted to walk away.  One of my most favorite tokens of appreciation was the latte or cup of coffee delivered to my classroom by one of my students or fellow teacher buddies.  That cup of java would boost my spirits beyond comprehension.  Often my gratitude would be me jumping up and down, clapping, with a HUGE smile on my face.  THANK YOU everyone who gave me a latte or a coffee at school.  I loved it.

This weekend I was reminded of my good work as a teacher.  First, I saw a parent on the ferry who thanked me for teaching both of her kids math and said that she felt lucky.  We chatted a bit longer about her kids and what they were up to.  I miss that about my job.  In fact, knowing what my former students are doing today as adults is rewarding.  I was grateful for her kind words.  Second, my family and I went a surprise birthday party for my husband’s aunt last night.  She was surprised and all 40 of us had a wonderful time at the restaurant celebrating her birthday.  The funny thing is that the birthday girl asked me if I would be willing to teach her niece math, as an adult student, with her living with us for a few months to upgrade her math in preparation for university.  I said, YES.  Third, to conclude the hat trick of compliments was a meeting I attended morning.  I was recruited to be a member of the BC Association of Math Teachers Executive committee.  My name was forwarded and approved with open arms… reassured that I would be an “asset” to the committee.  All I can say is… thanks… YIPPEE… and back contributing to public education, math education, and assessment for learning.  BEST 5-hour meeting ever!

Well, all I have to say is… if you love your teacher… show your appreciation.