AFL at Howe Sound Secondary – May 21, 2011
Almost 30 teachers and school administrators attended my workshop. The workshop was optional. Professional development is self-directed, meaning the teacher defines what is important to learn to improve his/her teaching practice. The majority of this teaching staff and all three administrators identified another workshop on Assessment for Learning (AFL) would be worthwhile.
All I can say is, the workshop was amazing from beginning to end. Doughnuts… Dialogue… Discussion. I had so much fun delivering a workshop I am truly passionate about. AFL MATTERS. The teachers and administrators were engaged. The group activities worked. The conversations were authentic. They asked great questions and they had an opportunity to talk freely with colleagues about their practice and AFL. It was an awesome learning and teaching experience.
Aside from a wonderful professional development workshop with the teachers and school administrators of Howe Sound Secondary, I was treated to a yummy lunch with the workshop organizer and a couple other colleagues. We had continued our professional development day with more discussions about assessment, math education, and student learning over a plate of wings and artichoke dip. Am I living the dream? Yes I am.