A Time for Celebration

It’s the end of the school year and various celebrations are occurring on the Sunshine Coast to celebrate our teachers, administrators, and support staff.  I feel honoured to have attended a few celebrations so far as school trustee.  I’ve gone to the Retired Teachers / Long Service Awards Luncheon and the ACE-IT Carpentry Program Celebration.  I am a little bummed that I was unable to attend the Sunshine Coast Teachers’ Association (SCTA) Retired Teachers Celebration and the West Sechelt Elementary Retired Teachers/Staff Celebration.  Lots of stories shared.  However, I am happy to know that these people are being acknowledged and celebrated.  Thank you all for the invitations and CONGRATULATIONS to retired teachers, long-serving staff, and Ace-It students.  You are all super awesome!

Retired Teachers and School Principals Celebration 2012
Long Serving SD46 Employees (31+ Years of Service)
SCAS Ace-It Carpentry Program Celebration 2012