Forget the Wake
Day 16 (of 187) – September 25, 2018
This photo came up in a Facebook memory today… THE WAKE. This photo was taken from a trip going from the Sunshine Coast to Vancouver Island via Powell River. When I look at this photo… I am just awestruck by the water, mountains, and sky. It’s one of my favourite images. I’m such a Coastal Girl. The wake also reminded me of looking in the past. Sometimes I felt like I was living in the past or pined for the days of the past. Reposting this photo on Facebook this morning felt almost ironic. Ever since joining the UNBC Team, I’ve only been looking forward… with a hint of self-reflection… like this.
And when you are looking forward, you have no time to look back. There is so much to do and so much to accomplish, I have no time to dwell to think about how things were. That said, I spent this morning on the phone attending school board committee meetings. I am still is school trustee. In some way, that’s part of my past… but had a very good meeting. With some more time at home, I opted to get work done like creating a single point rubric for practicum students to self-reflect on their performance as competencies. I also spent that time prepping for my night course and writing emails (of course) to get work done. What more can I say, it was a busy morning and afternoon. I was getting stuff done, but headed up to campus to attend a WELCOME TO NEW FACULTY event at the university.
No pictures… AGAIN… I must have been too occupied with meeting new people and my “things to do.” Everything was happening at once. Not only was I focused on trying to get things done for work, but also I was “parenting by text” and networking at this event. One person at this event is a graduate student of mine, one is my boss (aka. the Dean)… I met the HR person, the Provost, and the university president. I also met new faculty too… with hopes of getting a tour of the new UNBC Wood Engineering facility in downtown Vancouver. It was a nice to meet so many nice people at UNBC during this welcome… but there are a lot of nice people in Prince George, in general. Bu what was really on my mind was a renewal of my contract at UNBC. It was a surprise to me. I opened the yellow envelope from under my office door and I had to re-read the letter few times to understand what it was saying. Of course I signed on the dotted line.
Holy… I was super stoked from about 3pm to 9pm. During that time, I had a night class… I think they might have thought I was more stunned than stoked. I really didn’t share the news too widely. A text message to my little family, to my siblings and dad, and to my best friend… that’s it. Well, I brief mention here (obviously) and subtle changes to my social media. I am really happy and never thought it would happen… at least within 5-years. Now that it’s AGAIN in the middle of the night… and I’m thinking about how my night class could be better… and planning and prepping for tomorrow’s classes with an evening inservice event for teachers… it’s that classic mid-week overextension combined with sheer excitement that I think it’s time to make a cup of coffee and GET TO WORK.