Back to Blogging

Whew… I’m back to blogging.  My deepest apologies to my Bloggies who follow my edu-blog regularly, but I took a bit of a hiatus to reflect on my practice, my blog, and my edu-purpose.  This is the magic of professional learning and growth.  Nothing beats experiential learning.  You can never know unless you try.  The “first step” can be terrifying, but according to Kolb’s Experimental Learning Cycle… do it, reflect on it, improve on it, and try again.  This learning process is cyclic, which could feel like a circle, but I am growing and I’m grateful.  Learning by doing requires action, courage, and patience.  Living in paralysis, keeps you stuck.  Think out of the box.  Try.  Move forward.  Blogging is one forum for me to reflect, conceptualize, and sense-make.  I am inspired by my learning experiences and by the wonderful things people say.  I am compelled to share what I’ve learned via blog with hopes that you can share in the learning too. #happyfriday