The Autodidactic Writer – February 26, 2011
What an amazing realization… it dawned on me when a friend of mine mentioned that my confidence seemed rather low. Remember, I’m living a life as an introvert… and I’m an EXTROVERT. Any human communication I have access to results in me yapping for a good solid 10 minutes before I take a breath, giving the other person a brief moment to say something. In this case, I was talking to one of the moms about my dissertation and thoughts about editing Chapter 2. I am deeply grateful for this person’s patience and kindness to listen to my EXTROVERTED THINKING. With her feedback, I did not realize that I was experiencing self-doubt in my writing… a low sense of self-efficacy.
This was an awakening. I realized that I am currently experiencing what non-math specialist teachers do when they are learning how to teach math. You are guessing half the time, you try, but it is frustrating at times if you work in isolation. My intentions are good, however it is really difficult to realize what it means to excel in what you are doing with nobody around. LEARNING IS DIALOGICAL… that’s one of my favorite sayings… Charles Taylor (1991). I am trying to dialogue… with my Blog… my friends… my kid. I asked Zoe a methodology question today after swimming lessons. I was thinking out loud. She said to me, “You’re like a detective.” I smiled. I guess I am.